Did You Ever Meet Your Doppelganger?
Someone who’s not your twin, but looks identical?
The definition of a doppelganger is somebody who looks eerily like you facially and sometimes physically, because of random shared DNA. But it is not a twin or any other biologically related relative. In German folklore, it means double walker.
They actually exist. Some scientists say as many as 6 doppelgangers of each of us exist somewhere out there in the world, not surprising since the human population is currently around 8 billion people.
It could mean a ghost, but most doppelgangers are fully physical.
Last night was DST, Daylight Savings Time, where we changed the clocks forward. I have been through this ritual for years, but last night I did something different.
I decided to see exactly what happens when the time changes at 2 am. Did you ever do that, just for fun, maybe out of curiosity? Or is it always too late, you’re too busy, or not really paying attention?
Last night I decided to get to the bottom of this. Time has always fascinated me, and now I had the opportunity and the motive to act upon this phenomenon personally.
So I hunched down, got right in front of the DVR clock, and watched in first observational curiosity but then in shock when I saw the digital numbers move.
From 1:58 to 1:59, exactly as they always do, imperceptibly, irrevocably, inconspicuously, beyond doubt.
And move they did. But from 1:59 to 3:am!
I thought they might linger, for just a pregnant electronic moment, on 2:am on their passage from 1:59 to 3 am. But no! I had the definite feeling I had just lost an entire hour out of my life!
It was unsettling, disconcerting, and upsetting. It was a difficult, visual, and visceral shock to my system. I wasn’t expecting all that. Who knew?
Where did that hour go? Into what dimension had it escaped, and would it remain there until Standard Time returned? Or once lost, be gone irrevocably, never to be found?
And if it was truly lost, where had it gone? To the island of misfit timepieces or the equivalent random home of lost electronic impulses?
Wherever it went, wherever the missing hour was, it was gone now. There was no retrieving it, no putting it back.
The hour was just…gone. In the room, it was immediately an hour later with no time in between. The TV programming didn’t miss a beat.
Had the AI overlords taken that stolen moment, to rebuild it or strengthen one of their other nefarious devices? I wouldn’t put it past them, soulless creatures as they are.
Had my DVR acted independently, or was this going on all over the country? Had we all shifted into another dimension, or was it just me?
Was that stolen moment of time an isolated incident or more widespread?
I finally stumbled into bed around 5:30 am. Or was it really still 4:30 am?
My body felt the same, but different. Nothing seemed to quite fit right. When I went outside, my neighbors or friends I ran across treated me the same as before, but I felt different.
Had I been transformed into a doppelganger of myself? Is this how it works? Would I be returned to my body after whatever unfathomable experiments were carried out on me?
Does this explain doppelgangers? Do certain energy forces transport back and forth between them?
At certain times, in certain places, under certain circumstances?
It is doubtful they have any memory of this. All l I know is, I saw that moment disappear, with my own eyes. I saw the DVR swallow a bit of time in a single gulp, and it is still lost but not found.
I walk the same streets but everything is subtly changed. The proportions and the dimensions are all just a little off from yesterday.
The lights are a little brighter, the noises a little louder, and I have a nagging sensation that something is not quite right. Ever since I witnessed the disappearance of that single millisecond, I feel different.
Did this ever happen to you? Where does the time go?
But not to worry, the authorities assure us everything is as it should be. And if you can’t trust authority, who can you trust?
Life is strange. Imagination is a very human quality. We are all connected…