Did Martha Ever Return from Her Instagram Journey?
An Influencer’s Story That comes True Every Single Day.
So, come on and shrink your ego just a tad, honey, will you?
All you do has your ego front and center. All the time, everywhere. You smile, pose, make faces, and overexpose. You binge-shoot selfies like a gunman, for a split vanity moment, and those selfies become you. But at the same time, they become everyone’s. Ugly or nice, half asleep, sometimes funny, unsexy, and grim, yet polished, shiny, and perfect, with that gorgeous beauty, always, that conquers souls at will without even lifting your little finger.
Nevertheless, you have it all in store, for the world to see. When you go Live it is showtime, and you get tons of messages flooding your screen.
All the pleasure you get is from the outer world, not yourself. Never yourself because you don’t settle. A bad, bad ego obsession turns you around and shakes you like a puppet all the time. Poor little thing,
Why are you doing this to yourself?
Were you not loved enough in the real world? What’s gotten into you to want extra, always looking for more and more affection from perfect strangers? You say you know this is not love. It is just attention. But baby! If you give it all away, free and open every day, nothing will be left to be desired in the end. Do you understand?
If only you could just silence that devil, the ego, for a rich minute! It is not so important, I promise you. It comes and goes. like the beam of illumination around the lighthouse. It is here one moment, and the next it’s gone.
You see, your mirror is not yourself, kiddo. Your reflection is a phantom, sucking the soul out of you and you’re always about giving, giving and never taking back. Anything. Anything worthwhile.
You say, I am a personna. On Instagram, I have 21 thou. Another 6K on TikTok, sucker.
But, honey, are you finding any peace of mind at all? Instagram commands that you are always ready—are you?
When you started out, it was all fun, smiles, hilarious pranks, and laughs.
Now? It’s gotten serious. I see you saddened most of the time, and you deserve so much better—you know that, don’t you? Yet another action cam you need, a new set of studio lights, and more of that fancy makeup, an overdrink every other night to come across more natural on camera, and then…oops!
Lightning strikes a lone tree in the middle of a faraway grove!
Where did all those hate comments come from?
Now it is “your job”, you say? For how long, baby? You know these things don't last, as long as you think they would. Don't say I did not warn you!
— OK, I get it. Screw me, for getting in the way. It’s you and you only on this; you never asked my opinion anyway, so I’d better mind my own freakin business.
Fair enough.. Just let me tell you one story, and I'm gone.
Once upon a time, this goddess of youth and beauty lived in an ideal world. The internet called her Martha. She thought she would be immune to anything ill-intended only by her looks. She looks alone. She made it her life’s purpose to cast magic spells on the world through her charisma. A brilliant, fragile human being, wanting to live the dream—the greatest dream of all.
She knew less to talk and more to walk the catwalk; all she cared about was the glamour of the city lights. The yachts. The celebrities. She was warm and protected in a cocoon she had made for herself. It was only a construct of her imagination, but vivid as a fresh, delicate butterfly flying mindlessly in a zoo. She thought: Heck, now I have locked the evil out! All of it. It is now me and my camera. That’s it!
Her bubble was all she needed to keep warm and safe, and then she would show the world—it was hers for the taking. Every day Martha asked her mirror: Mirror, mirror, who is the gorgeousest? Who is the shinniest? Who is the most beautiful of them all?
Until one day, the mirror had gotten old and tired of being asked the same question for what seemed like an eternity. No sound came out of it anymore. The girl panicked, persisted, and kept asking. She screamed to her mirror like a lunatic:
“Tell me! Tell me, you mother fucker!” Answer me!
Before she knew it, she had lost her voice. Uncommon damage to her vocal cords cost her this high a toll.
She lived voiceless ever after. Both she and the mirror went mute for good. But she did not learn. Furious and devastated, she grabbed her camera and smashed the mirror into a thousand pieces. And with the broken mirror, she attempted to end her life forever. Lo and behold, the police were fast enough to rescue her just before serious blood loss killed her. A super fan had called emergency, asking for help, as the whole thing was streaming live.
I know, love! You listened to this story on Messenger. Thanks for the heart! I know you are good, please don’t be out too late again, ok?
Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed this story, please give me a warm fifty claps, or better yet, subscribe under my name on Medium!