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Debt And Consumerism

Our Society: Addiction and More Uncovered Ch 41

painting by Andrea Mihaly 2019 — used with permission

Flower describes debt and consumerism as an addictive process for a lot of people.

We live in a culture that normalizes debt.

Debt has been an accepted piece of our society and something that creates addictive behaviors. Flower feels like this is an unhealthy relationship of living outside of our means and it is destructive. Our culture normalizes it. It is encouraged to keep buying things that we don’t need. Lots of advertisements for all occasions.

Why do people need to buy a diamond for valentine’s day or Mother’s Day? Why would anyone need the 15th purse or light set for Christmas?

It is so easy to go to the store and buy the next gadget. Do we look at if we need this before buying anything? Do we need the next fanciest thing because our neighbor or Joe down the road has one?

Flower describes an advertisement she just saw that recommends people pay money to bump up their credit score. She thinks the only reason for this is to get into more debt. It does not make sense she asserts it is just so absurd. Flower feels like people don’t have an alternative lifestyle that they can imagine. Some people do go to the extreme and move off the grid to decrease debt and be self-sustained, which she agrees with. We have so much access to everything which is so readily available that we just live in kind of an excessive world. Including so much food, so much alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, marijuana, as humans she asserts it is hard to resist that access when we have so much to choose from, it is hard to decline availability.

What are your thoughts on this topic?

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This book is dedicated to the memory of Bagóczky József my uncle who died at age 19 — alcohol-related car accident and to everyone else who has been hurt or lost related to addiction

Many people had been supportive and inspiring to me so I could create this book. Both of my wonderful children told me, just write that book, mom. My mom. I could have not done this without all the stories provided and the encouragement love and caring from my family and friends, nurses, doctors, counselors, teachers, professors, friends who are dealing with addiction and staying sober; and children, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers of people who are dealing with addiction currently. Thank you for speaking up, sharing your stories and life experiences. Thank you to all the people who read this book while in progress to provide feedback, ideas, and encouragement for me to continue writing. I would like to say special thanks to my friends and family for believing me and encouraging me to go on.

Our Society: Addiction and More Uncovered. Hear the voices of everyday people — a collection of stories and experiences.

Copyright @ 2020. 1st addition on Amazon KDP. 2nd addition Jan 2021 Barnes & Noble. Gumroad December 2021. By Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi. All rights reserved. Dancing Elephants Press.

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