This article provides ten tips for new writers on Medium to navigate the platform for maximum success.
The article titled "Dear New Writers: Ten tips for navigating Medium for maximum success" is a guide for new writers on the Medium platform. The author introduces themselves and their background, mentioning their experience with yoga philosophy, emotional intelligence life coaching, and personal life experience. The article highlights the benefits of writing on Medium, such as healing and self-discovery, and the supportive community of writers. The author provides tips for new writers, such as submitting articles to publications, choosing a good photo and title, and being consistent. They also emphasize the importance of being an active reader, responding to comments, and using tools like Grammarly. The article concludes with final thoughts on the Medium platform and encourages new writers to write for the love of storytelling rather than for money.
Bullet points
Writing on Medium is a powerful healing tool and a great way to go within and get to know oneself better.
Medium is a supportive community with many inspiring writers in various genres.
Submitting articles to publications can provide benefits such as having an editor double-check work, getting maximum exposure, and being part of a community.
Choosing a good photo and title is important for the success of writing on Medium.
Tips for new writers include clapping 50 times when reading an article, being an active reader, being consistent, responding to comments, being in a good mood when writing, giving proper credit to photos, keeping articles between 2-5 minutes, making articles pleasing to the eye, using links, and using Grammarly.
The Medium platform can be financially inconsistent, but it is recommended to write for the love of storytelling rather than for money.
The community on Medium is amazing, and the author encourages new writers to ask for help and follow them for more articles and inspiration.
Dear New Writers
Ten tips for navigating Medium for maximum success
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Dear New Writers,
First, I would like to introduce myself and tell you just a little about myself. If you are reading this, you have found me, so thank you for being here and connecting with me. I have survived both psychological and physical abuse. I use my education and knowledge of yoga philosophy, emotional intelligence life coaching certifications, and personal life experience to awaken, empower, and inspire others through my coaching and writing.
Writing is a great way to go within and get to know myself better, as well as to release my emotions. It is a powerful healing tool. Medium is a beautiful, supportive community. There are many inspiring writers in a vast sea of genres. I like to publish through publications. Other people prefer to self-publish. Play with it and see which you like.
Your article is likely rejected if you submit it and do not hear back within a couple of weeks. Be sure to read the guidelines for each individual pub you submit to. Dancing Elephants Press, for example, is a positive atmosphere and will not allow photos of guns or violence. Many publications require you to share another writer's in your work. Those are some things to look for and be aware of.
The Benefits Of Publications
Having an editor double-check your work.
Some Publications share your articles or poems on social media to get maximum exposure.
Publications provide a community and encourage support for the writers.
Publications offer prompts that are available when you need inspiration.
Choosing a good photo and title is very important for the success of your writing. Choose a clear image that represents the message you want to convey.
Lessons I Learned That Have Helped Me
Clap 50 times when you read an article. Unless you genuinely do not like it. I used to give 11 claps because I loved that number. I was privately messaged and politely told that if I want to grow my following, writers enjoy getting fifty claps. That person was correct in her guidance; I would pass that sage advice on to you.
Be an active reader. What does this mean? It means do not just clap and ditch. Highlight what you enjoy. Comment. When you highlight, you can tap that highlight, and in the middle, it says “respond.” If you are particularly fond of that line, go tell the writer why. You can save the article to your reading library, and this way, when you write an article, you can copy-paste the link and share it at the end of your article to help that writer get more exposure. This creates excellent synergy and reciprocity that most writers appreciate. Finally, you can share the article on Twitter or X.
Be consistent. Consistency is critical. Pick a niche and be true to yourself. I write about relationships, emotional intelligence, spirituality, and wellness. I do participate in prompts occasionally to challenge myself. I write an article each day. But that is a lot. You will be in good shape if you write three times a week.
When your article or poem gets comments, respond. Meaningful interaction with writers is a wonderful way to build a following.
Be in a good mood when you write, or at least when you hit publish. If you are in a bad mood, that energy will come through to your readers. Step away from your computer and return when you are in a better mindset. I like to have a healing crystal and scented candle on my desk as I write, but do what works best for you.
Be sure to give proper credit to your photos. If you use a personal photo, simply put “Author’s Photo,” but you still need to label it.
Keep your articles between 2–5 minutes to attract the most readers. Remember how valuable your reader’s time is. Offer them something valuable. Evoke emotion or teach them something new. You can even offer photo essays or recipes.
Make sure your article is pleasing to the eye. It helps to have a horizontal photo under your title; many publications require a subtitle. Break up your article with subheadings, bullet points, or something that gives the eyes a break.
Use links if you get stats or specific information from another website.
Last but not least, use Grammarly — it is a lifesaver.
Final Thoughts
I absolutely love the Medium platform. The financial aspect can be frustrating and inconsistent, but they are working on improvements. Write because you have a story to tell instead of writing for money. And try not to look at your stats too often.
The community is amazing. Feel free to ask me if you need help or have a specific question. If I don’t have the answer, I will try to point you in the right direction. I am still learning new things all the time.
I would love for you to follow me and subscribe to receive my emails so you do not miss any articles. Also, I started a YouTube Channel recently where I share short videos daily on emotional intelligence, spirituality, relationships, meditation, and more.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. You are amazing. I wish you all the best on your journey here on Medium.
I have so much respect for my fellow writers here. I spend hours each day reading the work of writers and finding great inspiration. I share two articles at the bottom of each of my own to help even more readers see them.
AJ shares a brilliant poem with one of the best lines, “Right now, it’s like this.” It is sure to inspire you.