avatarA Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)


The article "Dealing With People" discusses strategies for interacting with different types of people based on their tendency to change, likening them to time, seasons, and days of the week, and encourages personal growth through learning from those who improve over time.


The article presents a reflective perspective on how to manage relationships with people who exhibit varying degrees of change and consistency. It suggests treating those who change frequently, like the passage of time or the changing of seasons, with a mindset that acknowledges their transient nature. The author advises readers to view some individuals as recurring, such as Mondays, which require added motivation to endure. Conversely, the article highlights the value of those who evolve positively, recommending that readers learn from their example, strive for self-improvement, and maintain an inspired outlook. The piece concludes with a thank you to the readers and a suggestion to explore related articles, as well as instructions on how to connect with the author through social media and email.


  • People who change often should be engaged with cautiously, similar to how one would treat fleeting moments.
  • It is important to recognize and accept the temporary nature of some relationships, akin to tolerating less favorable seasons or days.
  • Individuals who consistently grow and better themselves can serve as mentors and role models from whom one can learn and draw inspiration.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of personal growth and the potential benefits of changing oneself.
  • The article implies that maintaining a positive outlook and seeking motivation can help in dealing with challenging personalities.

Dealing With People

Tit for Tat formula

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Some people change by the hour,

Treat them like the time gone by,

Once gone it’s at least not coming back.

Some people change like seasons,

Consider them your least favorite one,

Reminding yourself they’ll be gone in a few months.

Some people change like days of the week,

Think of them as your Mondays,

And don’t forget to add some motivations for tolerating them.

Not all people change though,

Some grow and become better.

Take these as your mentors and guides.

Learn from them, imbibe their qualities, emulate, and be inspired.

Try to change yourself a little too sometimes, maybe?

Thank you for reading.

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