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Dealing with Loneliness as a Freelancer

Nobody tells you that freelance is a lonely path.

I gradually realized this about a year after I resigned and traded the luxurious confines of my executive job to learn and discover my calling.

From tracking your personal income and balancing work-life, you have to rely entirely on yourself to sort your stuff out. No wonder we can get lonesome sometimes.

Loneliness is like a creeping need that gradually siphons the life out of you. Without an avenue to express ourselves, we naturally feel isolated which eventually lead to social despair, regardless of how successful your gig is.

After all, it is an innate human desire to feel heard, validated and understood.

Without much ado, this is how I deal with it for the rest of my freelancing journey.

Interact with people

This is obvious.

Yet, you’ll be surprised to know how hard it is to get out and meet people, especially when you’re trying to make ends meet.

Whenever I feel the blues inching in, I go outside and attempt to strike up a conversation. It can be that old man relaxing outside the barber shop, or the lady who is walking her dog.

If you’re feeling shy or nervous, a simple smile or an approving nod invite others to reciprocate. Always know that your existence matters.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Get out of your head

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

I realized that the pang of lonesomeness is at its peak whenever there’s nothing much going on with my work. Instead of killing time doing unproductive stuff, I launch myself into action.

Pro Tip: Stay distracted by writing down a list of things you want/need to do for the day.

Being busy has the benefits of making yourself productive and at the same time eliminate negative thoughts.

“I must lose myself into action lest I wither into despair.”

— Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Prayers and Meditation

Whenever I feel lonely, I turned to The Creator for guidance.

As someone who believes that our life in this world is a temporary passing, I took refuge knowing that loneliness is simply part of the many trials and tribulations for us to overcome and tide over.

I believe that God tests us with these scenarios for a reason; that is to make you be a better person.

“Like the intense pressure which transforms what appears to be a worthless piece of carbon into diamonds, God takes bad and somehow does good with it.” ― Jim Scudder


Writing is a great way to express yourself when you have no one to talk to. At least, it gives a semblance of socializing when there is no one in sight.

It can be a private journal for your own self-improvement, or through blogging, which is another platform to connect with others worldwide.

Somehow, I always felt a sense of relief, like shouting your worries off at a cliff.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

Consider getting a pet

Always adopt, don’t buy.

Pets offer to relieve our loneliness and takes away the attention from ourselves. Research suggests that having a pet has positive mental effects on us and also lengthens our life expectancy.

I own a cat, an old one. Albeit cranky and erratic, I took comfort knowing that the feline is a loyal companion.

Note: Owning a pet takes a good amount of responsibility and I recommend this only for those who are willing to commit.

If in doubt, just don’t.

Connect with Nature

Lastly, my favorite pastime. Not only is visiting the parks and gardens free, but it is also the best way for me to beat loneliness.

I usually frequent the coastal shores and parks for a jog. Gazing out at the shoreline, amidst the passing ships on the horizon as I take a pause off my runs has been one of the best remedies for the blues.

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

There you have it, my ways of dealing with loneliness. What about you? Do you have any tips or strategies to share?

Thank you for reading.

Gig Economy
Self Love
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