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Daily Mutterings

New ideas


Good morning! I woke up this morning and realized that it was October. I realize, also, that time, and, in fact, my life, is passing. Somewhat like a little gas early in the morning, only with much more drama.

I’m not retired, because I own my own company, but I find myself working a good deal less. And making a good deal less, too.

I’m told this happens to everyone when they retire without a huge 401k or whatever. You start to scramble a little for money. Maybe think about a part-time job.

Also, sometimes people, (ok, “we,”) sometimes lose pieces of our bodies or ability or agility through some process of weird attrition.

The strange thing is that I find myself being a freelance writer along with my primary occupation, quite accidentally. Now I am glad of it, and frankly ready to make even more money at it.

So here I am, an old goober trying to learn about side gigs rather than applying as a greeter at Walmart. Recently I have written a fair amount of content with good results. I have even made a couple of newsletters that are slower than I would like to get subscribers.

The highest and best advice from ANYBODY is always to niche down. I have finally decided I enjoy too many topics to successfully niche down. But I keep trying. Additionally, I have a sense of humor, which is occasionally detrimental to serious writing.

I find myself nowadays researching, in addition to writing advice, advice on some of my age-related infirmities. I’m therefore finding some of my plain-brown-wrapper content becoming more tuned to life-challenges and side gigs for folks who are longer in the tooth. (Is this a niche?)

I will continue to write on an informal basis each day (2 or 300 words.) My new website will house some of my meatier instruction pieces. I think there will be info you can use, and reviews that will help you, all wrapped in an amusing tone, rather than a political or panicked one.

Thanks for listening. It is time for me to start writing about this journey that I began a good while ago. I hope you will join me, and even help direct me with your requests.

Even knowing this entire process is brand new, I hope you will join me, ignore the warts, and enjoy the progress.

Originally published at http://don-martin.com on October 1, 2023.

The Accidental Author, Don Martin, can be found HERE. Subscribe and “make something of yourself.” -your mom

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning.

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