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Daily Diary

4th March, 2024

Photo by Frank Chou on Unsplash

Yet another Tuesday. Amazing how regularly these come around. Just like clockwork. Almost as if it’s a planned event. Anyway.

Spent most of the day walking around Greenwich town with the siblings & Mrs. Gorgeous, dainty, artsy, and drenched in spring sun. Lovely views of the Whatf skyline juxtaposed with the Gherkin and the usual suspects. Greenery everywhere. And all about a 20 minute stroll from the apartment. Another reason why we don’t wanna move but we might have to. Anyway.

Then a little bit of work later, hopped on the seanky Elizabeth line all the way to India. Almost. Southall in fact. It might as well be India to be fair – same food, people, clothes, chaos, etc. Ate a lot of chaaats, loved it. Then trudged back home via the Liz again. Overfed and under-exercised.

Fell asleep while rewatching “Snatch”. These guys leave later tomorrow, which means I can get back to reading and all that.

Till later!

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