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Daily Diary

18th December, 2023

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Last working week of the year. Jetting off to India with the Mrs for a month this weekend. She hasn’t seen her folks in close to a year, and unlike me, the novelty of it all hasn’t worn off for her.

Couple more things before that though. The customary chocolate shopping experience — courtesy of Tesco’s finest, followed by some serious packing to make sure we have all we need. Then a Hippodrome Casino date night — I’ll leave my card at home just in case. And the first-day-first-showing of the new Hirani-SRK collab — something I’ve looked forward to for the better part of a decade.

Let’s see how all this pans out.

Am gonna miss my work and London. I was just getting good at it, but hey family is important too right? FWIW. And I guess I am not looking forward to the whole in-laws vs parents debate that my marriage, being a traditional Indian one, will suffer on this trip.

Anyway — let’s see.

Till then!

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