Creeping Addict: Poetry
The little seed stays dormant awaiting the disjointment
Some addictions are more accepted than others But addiction is addiction
Addiction is that gnawing feeling inside when you have to get it Or you feel you’ll die Addiction keeps you breaking your promises And damaging your relationships with those who’ve always loved you Addiction equates to death because at some point, it’s you, or it
Can you beat it? Or does it make you think it? Even if you destroy it, the little seed stays dormant Awaiting your weak point so that it can make you disjointed It never goes away; it’s always waiting for the day you’re not okay
Addiction is like a parasite It needs a host Someone who can show how powerful it becomes so that it can boast
If I overcome it once, I’ll have to overcome it again It’s a creaking attic It leaves you irritated and dry You can try to hide But it always comes back Like a humming sound that never dies
Fool me once Fool me twice Some of us can’t stay away Because our love for them is infinite Like lice
The creeping addict is the most dangerous The mask stays on until its too late And the volcano explodes Nothing can evaporate The shattered pieces are everywhere The mess is made There is no coming back Your bed is made
Hey, it’s me, Jade Willow. Thank you for reading my stuff — All of My Poetry+ My Eccentric Poetry Series