

This webpage is a comprehensive index of creative uses of AI in generating images, videos, music, and text, featuring examples, explanations, and direct links to various tools and resources.


The webpage titled "Creative Artificial Intelligence. Index." is a collection of AI-powered tools and resources for generating images, videos, music, and text. It includes various AI models and networks, such as Google Deep Dream, BigGAN, Style Transfer, Comixify, CycleGAN, StyleGAN, GauGAN, Art Re-Generation, WikiArt StyleGAN2, ArtBreeder, DeOldify, First Order Motion Model, 3D Ken Burns Effect, 3D Photography Inpainting, and Wav2Lip, for image and video generation. For music generation, the page features JukeBox, while GPT-2 and GPT-3 are used for text generation. Additionally, the page provides tutorials on using AI for movie making and podcast creation, and introduces applications like RunwayML and TokkingHeads. The webpage also showcases examples of cross-medial AI-generated storytelling.


  • The webpage highlights the potential of AI in various creative fields, showcasing its ability to generate images, videos, music, and text.
  • The page features a wide range of AI models and networks, each with its unique capabilities and applications.
  • The page emphasizes the importance of AI in transforming traditional creative processes, offering new possibilities for storytelling and content creation.
  • The tutorials on movie making and podcast creation demonstrate the practical applications of AI in these fields.
  • The examples of cross-medial AI-generated storytelling showcase the potential of AI in creating immersive and engaging content.
  • The page encourages users to explore and experiment with various AI tools and resources for their creative projects.
  • The page highlights the role of AI in shaping the future of creative industries, offering new opportunities for innovation and expression.

Creative Artificial Intelligence. Index.

Audio, Visual Media, Music, Text generation. With Examples and Friend-Links.

Do you want it? A place where all potential creative tools are collected? With direct links and short explanations — for you to decide where to start your art? Well, here it is — an ongoing index of all creative uses of AI. At least those being covered by Merzazine. So without boring introductions…

Image and Video Generation

Google Deep Dream

What it does: Pattern recognition, object detecting, and re-interpreting of visual data. Link to my article: Deep Dream comes true Direct link: Google Colab Notebook



What it does: Trained on visual data, it generates new unique images and translations between images Links to my articles:

Direct link: Google Colab Notebook


Style Transfer

What it does: Transfer of specific visual features between images Link to my article: Style Transfer (and you can do it as well) Direct link: Google Colab Notebook


Style Transfer of Van Gogh, De sterrennacht, 1889


What it does: Summarizing impactful frames from a video into a visual storyboard. Video => Graphic Novel Link to my article: Comixify Direct link: https://comixify.ai/


Transforming of Matrix Trailer to a Visual Storyboard:


What it does: Transfer of visual features between styles, in the absence of paired images. Link to my article: Visual Anarchist Realism of CycleGAN Direct link: https://github.com/junyanz/CycleGAN/


Transfer: Painting to Photo

StyleGAN, StyleGAN2

What it does: Framework, based on iterative Generator/Discriminator process, able to be trained on various imagery datasets and generate HiRes images and videos. Including Projection as DeepFake detection. Link to my articles:

Direct link: Google Colab Notebook


GauGAN: Creating with Segmentation

What it does: Using sketch tools you draw a picture. Every color is assigned to a specific texture. After conversion you will get a photorealistic (or/and abstract) image. Chose your style using various presets. Link to my article: 14 Deep and Machine Learning Uses that made 2019 a new AI Age. Direct link: NVidia AI Playground — GauGAN

GauGAN by NVidia

Art Re-Generation: PainterByNumbers

What it does: Trained on 24k world art images, the system generates new art pieces. Link to my article: How to Train Your Artist Direct link: Google Colab Notebook


WikiArt StyleGAN2

What it does: StyleGAN2 based model trained on WikiArt generates new imagery after categories: artists, genre, and style Link to my article: The Non-Treachery of Dataset Direct link: Google Colab Notebook



What it does: BigGAN and StyleGAN2 based suite of models as an intuitive web application. Generates images and videos, upload functionality, social co-creation. Link to my articles:

Direct link: https://artbreeder.com/



What it does: Colorizing black&white images Link to my articles:

Direct link: Google Colab Notebook for Images and Videos


First Order Motion Model

What it does: Transfer of facial movements from video footage to a single image. Link to my article: First Order Motion Model Direct link: Google Colab Notebook


3D Ken Burns Effect

What it does: Spatial 3D-visualization from a single image Link to my articles:

Direct link: Google Colab Notebook


3D Photography Inpainting

What it does: Spatial exploration of a single image Link to my article: 3D Photography Inpainting: Exploring Art with AI. Direct link: Google Colab Notebook



What it does: Speech recognition and facial animating of a single image/video footage. Link to my article: Wav2Lip: Between Art and Deepfake Direct link: Demo-Version


Music generation


What it does: Trained on 1+ Mio songs, JukeBox creates unique audio-experiences Link to my articles:

Direct link: Google Colab Notebook / JukeBox.OpenAI.com


AI-generated Playlist:

Text generation


What it does: Text generation with NLP model by OpenAI Link to my articles:

Direct link: Google Colab Notebook



What it does: Advanced multilingual pre-trained NLP-system, capable of manifold use cases. Trained on 570GB texts from the global human cultural heritage. Link to my articles:

Direct link: https://beta.openai.com/



AI as a Movie Maker

What it does: Using AI-generated screenplay, visuals, music, and voices for short movies. Link to my article: AI as a Movie Maker Example:

Creating a Podcast with AI

What it does: Creating a podcast with GPT-2 / GPT-3, AI-generated voices, and AI-created music Link to my article:


Applications and suits


What it is: a suit from various ML/DL models and networks for audio, textual, and video generation My Article: coming soon


What it is: Combining Wav2Lips, StyleGAN2, GPT-3, Text-To-Speech, and First Order Motion model, this web application creates realistic facial animations. My article: Coming soon


Examples for cross-medial AI-generated Storytelling


Artificial Intelligence
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