Creating First React Native App

React Native contributes to the native application development using React. You can create native applications for Android and IOS using React Native. There are two options for getting started with React Native. If you are new to mobile development arena, the simpler and easier way is to get started with Expo CLI and if you are familiar with mobile development, you can use React Native CLI.
Expo CLI:
- Third Party Service (Free!) - Helps you in Managed App Development - Provides lots of convenience and utility Feature, simplifies development - But you're now restricted to the Expo Ecosystem using Expo CLI
React Native CLI:
- Managed by React Native Team/Community - Bare-bone development - Almost no convenience or utility features - Full flexibility
In this article we will focus on creating First React Native App using Expo CLI. Also, you can switch to a non-expo development any time during application development.
Expo CLI Quickstart
1. Install Node
2. Get Expo command line tool
npm install -g expo-cli
3. Create first project
expo init my-first-project
cd my-first-project
3. Start application
npm start //you may use expo start
4. Install expo app onto your Android or IOS device and connect the device
Now you will find the Expo Developers Tool when you start your app. You can find the status of your running application in this developer tool.

You can now access the application through expo client on your mobile device. Your application and your mobile should be in same network, then you can scan the QR code from your terminal.

Wow, Awesome!
Now you can see the application running on your mobile device.
We will dive on to the basic application development using react native in next article. Stay Tuned!