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Know Thyself-Heal Thyself | Weekly Prompts

Counting Our Blessings

KTHT Weekly Prompts for the Week of July 25–29

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

In the hustle and bustle of my busy life, I often forget to take a moment to count my blessings. Whole days and nights will pass me by without me once giving thanks to family and friends, my spouse, or to the Creative Oneness of the Universe.

This lack of gratitude for all the blessings I’ve been given can have serious effects on my physical, mental and spiritual health. Darkness and the voices of Negative Nannies will become all-consuming. Depression will drag me down into abysses of no escape. Soon, I no longer care about normal things like taking a shower, eating healthy foods, meditation, or getting proper sleep. I become withdrawn and reclusive.

Counting my blessings allows positive, loving-kindness to spread all through my being and shine outward to everyone I come into contact with. It lifts my spirits. It reminds me that, despite all of the ugliness in the world, there is still beauty in the world. It reaffirms my belief that there is a loving, Divine Consciousness in the Universe who bestows gifts upon me in sometimes surprising ways.

This week, I want all of us to take a moment or two to reflect on our blessings. Through the following prompts, write personal essays or poetry. Choose the prompt(s) that resonates with you. Gift to us your words and insights.

Prompts for the week:

  1. Complete this sentence: I am truly blessed when…
  2. Define what the word Blessings means to you — be it through a religious or spiritual lens, or a secular lens.
  3. Share a list of recent grateful moments and what each moment means to you.
  4. Share with us how you Count Your Blessings

Bonus Prompt— Choose a poem or essay from a writer here on Medium whose work has blessed you in some way. Share how the piece has made you feel, gifted you with new insight, or lifted your spirits. Be sure to mention/tag the author and give a link to his/her piece in the body of your essay or poem.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to use these prompts. Feel free to write poetry or an essay. The intention is merely to look at ourselves and reflect through writing.

There will be more prompts coming soon. Please remember to tag one or all of the editors when you use one of these prompts. We are Diana C., Spyder, jules, or me, Ravyne Hawke.

Stay blessed, my friends.

Writing Prompts
Know Thyself Heal Thyself
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