

The text discusses the journey of coping with and overcoming personal pain and suffering, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and the pursuit of change.


The author reflects on the realization that pain is an inherent part of life, often unnoticed until it becomes overwhelming. They share their personal struggle with pain, acknowledging a history of running away from it due to a lack of learned love and trust. The narrative reveals a cycle of seeking what's missing in others, leading to repeated falls. The author emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and the need to stop and find peace amidst the chaos of racing thoughts and emotions. The journey out of pain is described as a process of liberation, where one ultimately detaches from pain, emerging transformed and no longer the same person.


  • The author believes that pain is a constant in life, often overlooked until it prompts a desire for change.
  • They suggest that unaddressed emotional needs can lead to unhealthy dependencies on others, resulting in a cycle of disappointment.
  • The text conveys that self-blame is a common response to unrequited love or affection.
  • A key opinion is that the pursuit of peace is essential and can be achieved by confronting and accepting pain, rather than avoiding it.
  • The author implies that pain can be deceptive, creating an illusion of inescapability, but freedom is possible through perseverance and self-realization.
  • The author encourages readers to support their work through engagement and donations, indicating a belief in the value of their writing and its potential impact on others.

Coping with Pain

and suffering

Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

I used to say that there were only two things that existed in life and that was love and fear but I have come to acknowledge that pain is always there.

It was me who was not aware of it.

You feel enough pain that one day you look into yourself in the mirror and say I want to change this and I will change this.

I was dwelling on these past thoughts I didn’t even realize, there was something wrong,

But deep inside I know there was something wrong.

I have been running all my life.

One of the reasons I think I was running so much was because I didn't learn love and I didn't learn trust.

What you don’t have, you start looking in people and you end up falling and when you fall you realize you didn’t fall for the person you fall for something that you don’t have, and hence you fall in a loop hole.

Reality is we are all born good people but when you don’t get the love back you start thinking what I did wrong .

And you start accusing yourself.

Going with all this is indeed hard but you left with no option.

One thing I have learned over a time,

When my heart is racing, my mind is panting

And I am feeling like I am going nowhere!!

Just stop !!


Because If not peace what we want

the pain which enticed our heart,

You avoid it, suppressed it

but it overcomes you arrest you.

You scream you want to be free

It smiles back at you and demand plea

You plead your heart plead you all plead at once.

It deceives, it cheats , it speeds up

You want peace to get out of the web.

And finally when you are out of it.

You feel relieved you looked back

At the pain and said,

I can never be the same with you again .

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