

Consistency Is The Key To Freedom Without Consequence

Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash

Consistency is great, right?

One day at a time,

Step by step,

All that good stuff, it’s amazing!

But, not for the reasons everyone thinks.

There’s something better than accompanies consistency,

A certain quality,

Exclusive to those who are consistent.

Something better than being better.

Today is Saturday the 22nd of July.

I woke up at 06:02 a.m.

No alarm clock,

No sunlight,

Just my internal clock and I.

My actual alarm is set for 06:10 a.m. and runs exclusively on weekdays.

But, I haven’t needed it once this week.

Every single morning, I’ve woken up between 5–8 minutes earlier than my alarm.


Because I’ve been waking up at this time consistently.

And that consistency led to overflow.

The power in the overflow

Consistency leads to unintended positive changes or overflow.

Waking up early is great, but that’s only a part of what I’m referring to.

The power overflow is what happened after I woke up.

I got out of bed, got changed, and skipped for two hours,

Showered, tidied my room, made breakfast, and got ready to leave before 09:30 am.

It’s Saturday.

I didn’t plan to skip, pack away all my clothes, hoover, or wake up early.

All I intended to do was to rest.

Yet, I did both.



My past consistency unlocked unexpected opportunities.

Had I not woken up early for the past two weeks, I would’ve woken up at 09:00 — the time I needed to be awake.

Yet, I gained three hours.

Three hours, I never would’ve had the chance to control without consistency.

The power in overflow is the opportunity to choose.

For most, life is too busy.

There’s too much to do, too little time to do it and, heaps of expectation.

With so many commitments and just 24 hours in a day,

Isn’t the opportunity to be free to choose great?

If I wanted to sleep for another three hours — I could’ve.

If I wanted to relax, go for a walk, or even just indulge.

I could.

The choice was mine.


Because I was consistent at first.

It’s a common misconception that consistency will lead to a decrease in freedom,

But actually, consistency is the key to freedom.

Freedom with no consequence.

Aristotle was right,

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”


Thank you for reading!

American psychologist Alok Konojia, or ‘HealthyGamerGG’, says:

“The absence of reflection is the reason you’re stuck.”

To solidify our growth, let’s reflect:

Petrichor’s 1-Minute Reflection:

  • How did you feel before reading?
  • How did you feel whilst reading?
  • Do you feel any different now that you’ve finished?
  • What is your one takeaway from reading this?

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