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Connecting to Divine Source in Yin Yoga

Healing the magical way.

Amanda Bowen at All Things Must Pass. Photo credit: Dr Amanda Bowen

I believe it’s possible to connect to Divine Source in a really good yoga class. I say this as I am repeatedly having this experience in amazing Amanda’s mystical yin yoga class at my wonderful yoga centre All Things Must Pass, run by the beautiful goddess that is Lorraine Amiri.

I only discovered this place last year when it rose like a gift from the gods while I was in deep grief after losing my beautiful doggie best friend and soul mate Lola. This place played a big part in my recovery.

If you have experienced grief, you will know it’s like being a bit lost in space at times, not knowing which way to turn to escape the pain, process your feelings or find a bit of peace.

Fortunately, I found this little piece of nirvana to help me through, with its diverse range of classes and events, not to mention the wonderful new friends I have made here, all of which have helped restore me to nearly full health.

It’s Amanda’s yin yoga class where I keep finding myself in a mystical other-worldly place where I can access support and healing energy from somewhere magical that enables me to process my pain and receive deep healing. It feels so enchanting, loving and safe, I genuinely believe I am connecting to Divine Source.

For the first few months, I was attending to escape my pain. A great yoga instructor can guide you out of beta brain waves and into alpha then theta.(watch Rewired by Joe Dipenza for more information on this).

I found when I was theta deep in meditation, I could think about Lola without being struck by pain. Trying to think about her in the cold light of day just brought me to my knees. The sense of loss was too profound. The raw pain killed me. But in Amanda’s yin class at the end during the long savasana, I could freely think about Lola in peace. I could check in with her, talk to her, see and feel her energy and it was all magical, purple and gold.

It gave me such a sense of peace to know she was still here all around me, just in energetic form now. I would leave each class feeling a great sense of relief like I had processed some of my pain, allowed my body to fully relax (for a change), and had some valuable quality time remembering my angel without collapsing from the grief of it.

Lola. Photo credit: Author (created in Pixlr)

I’m now at a place where I’ve moved on from the raw grief, so can explore the magical place I access in these classes in total fascination. Every week I start the class with a few niggles and a few things on my mind, some tension in my body, and I always question if I will be able to reach the weekly nirvana. Well, no worries because I always do.

During last night’s class after the yin flow stage when we moved into the slower meditative section, I felt my body and mind drop into theta. I allowed all the niggles and knots to dissolve and as usual, had a little check-in with Lola and my grief. I found a small amount of unprocessed emotion that had gone dark and stale. I connected to the beauty in the room, the healing energy all around that Amanda had called in with her mantras and singing bowls and allowed my body to be flooded with it.

It was magical. Purple, gold, pink and peach sparkling healing energies spread throughout my body. I allowed it into every single cell, flooded my heart, and allowed the remaining stale dark grief to be dissolved by it. And in a trick I learned from Paul McKenna, whilst feeling wonderful and elevated, I turned the dial up and allowed this wonderful feeling to be more intense, brighter bigger until the healing energy filled the entire room, and all of us there were submerged in the wonderful healing energy.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Here we were all safe, and here we could all heal. The energy was so positive in this room, any negative energy had no choice but to leave. In this state, it’s possible to manifest, you can imagine whatever you want and draw it into your heart, into your experience while you are all open and vibrating high and full of love. You can send love out to the whole world if you wish. Anything seems possible.

As always at some point, the class sadly has to come to an end, but as soon as I came back into the physical room, the lady to my left turned to me with a look of sheer bliss on her face and said ‘That was amazing’. I knew she had the same experience as me. Thankyou Amanda for guiding us there.

And thank you, Lorraine. I’m thanking my lucky stars she created this incredible place and manifested all the right instructors. Together we are on a beautiful journey of healing ourselves and everyone else.

See you in class one day when you can come to Nirvana with me.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash
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