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Congress: Have Aliens Crashed Our Party?

Did an alien joyride go awry and has the US government been secretly impounding their vehicle?

Photo by Brooke Denevan on Unsplash

If you told me a few years ago that Congress would be holding a hearing on UFOs, ahem, UAPs, I’d have asked if you had taken your meds lately and helped you locate your tinfoil hat.

Joke’s on me.

In a scene straight out of one of Mulder’s fever dreams, three military veterans testified in a Congressional hearing on UFOs Wednesday.

Recovered crafts and pilots?

Among them was a former Air Force intelligence officer, retired Maj. David Grusch, who made claims that’d make even a conspiracy theorist’s head spin. According to him, the U.S. government has been running a top-secret “multi-decade” program, reverse engineering salvaged alien vessels.

But wait, there’s more!

He suggested the U.S. has recovered non-human “biologics” from alleged crash sites.

All that was missing was a cameo from E.T. himself. Grusch couldn’t talk about where they were keeping his body in a public setting.

Unfortunately, if you had made it a drinking game and took a shot every time the phrase “that’s something I can’t discuss in a public setting” came up, you might start seeing little green men yourself.

That may be the major problem with the retired major’s claims.

He hasn’t actually seen the evidence himself. Plus any real details he does have, can only be revealed behind closed doors with those with clearance.

Though, if there’s a group of people who should be knowledgeable AND believable on this topic, it would be these guys.

Former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves and retired Cmdr. David Fravor also added their testimony regarding their encounters with UFOs (now called UAPs for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena).

Sightings are not rare: Pilot reports of anomalous objects

Graves recounted an incident from 2014 off the coast of Virginia Beach when he came across an aircraft that looked like a “dark gray or black cube encased in a clear sphere”.

He estimated the definitely not a miniature Borg cube to be roughly 5 to 15 ft in diameter, or about the size of a small van. It bore no resemblance to any aircraft he’d ever seen and seemed to shrug off hurricane-force winds and the laws of aerodynamics and physics in general.

The crazy thing is — or other crazy thing — these sightings aren’t rare.

Graves founded Americans for Safe Aerospace to support aviators who have reported these phenomena. Shockingly they are often hesitant to speak up for fear of all manner of repercussions.

The “Tic-Tac” incident

In 2004 over the San Diego, Retired Navy Cmdr. David Fravor and three other service men witnessed what he described as a white “Tic Tac”-shaped flying object.

“There were no rotors, no rotor wash, or any visible flight control surfaces like wings . . . The technology that we faced was far superior than anything that we had,”

According to Fravor, it was several years before officials followed up on the events of the day and “nothing was done.”

Why does Congress care now?

Woven through the discussion was the worry that no one was overseeing the money and the risk these UAPs might pose to national security.

There has also been growing public calls for any information regarding extraterrestrials and whatever they rode in on to be made public. I can’t help but hear the cynical side of me saying that some of these politicians are seeking any chance to grab the spotlight in a way that doesn’t involve them being investigated themselves.

Much like most alien invasion movies, partisan politics were almost entirely put aside in the hearings. Though one representative, Virginia Foxx of North Carolina and a handful of others seemingly tried to point fingers at the current administration for their poor handling of recent incidents (like the spy balloons shot down), never mind reports have been coming in for around the past 100 years or so.

What now?

It was repeatedly mentioned that closed door discussion were in the works. Maybe one day we in the general public will get answers about why ET might not have made it home.

Seeing these discussions as part of the open public dialogue and not being mocked is historical in and of itself.

There’s many more well known events related to UFOs/UAPs and their possible passengers that weren’t covered here or in the hearing. Check back for a deeper exploration of UFO research and reports.

Ufos And Aliens
Congressional Hearings
Space Travel
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