avatarDr John Frederick Rose


Community Trees.

Adding Australian Native Trees to Local Community Gardens.

Princess Silver Gums growing in my LED Garden destined for local community. Picture by John Rose.

Son harvested seeds Princess Silver Gum tree, Gave them over for propagation with little hope of success, Prepared seed pot sprinkled seed light water spray settled them in, Raising seeds needs hope and optimism plus careful fussing.

Sprouting tiny seeds hit and miss, Especially using relatively course seed raising mix, Watering seeds in bit problematical, Delightedly welcomed sprouting seedlings, Sixteen all told.

Sixteen trees 45 feet tall, Trifle big for son’s garden, They’ve become community trees, Share with neighbours, Flowering spectacle, Planting far from homes and pipes.

Decision made, Transplant seedlings each to single pot, Grow large enough to facilitate planting and give best chance of flourishing in new surrounds.

So it was done, 12 pots planted, Surprised by root length and delicate branchings, Some concerns about viability.

Another dimension, LED gardens invariably over time develop uneven light intensity, Seven years ago, Used light meter ascertain settings, Thwarted by growing varieties of various heights and spectrum requirements, created placement issues complicated by vanilla vine’s vertical wall, Empiricism wins, Practical gardening watch my plants observe their growing, Light determines pattern of growth, Now know what can be grown and best plant placements.

Indoor LED Garden, No real flying pests, Apart from those coming with purchased ingredients like compost, Must keep clean to avoid fungal buildup, Garden in spare bedroom requires great care to avoid carpet stains!

Gum trees surround Snapdragons. Bordered by Vanilla Vine. Picture by John Rose.

Why do I Persist?

Curiosity driven, Try out LED Grow Lights, Now third generation, Started with vanilla vine whimsical purchase, Now had 3 crops, Started cultivating Australian natives several years back, Learnt by doing.

Fell in love, Soil on hands tending plants watering carefully watching growth, All my garden activities and tasks even cleaning bring joy and sense of fulfilment, Peace of mind and break from daily grind.

Over years cultivated 100's pots for family and community gardens, In my walks happily wave to neighbours and recognize plants, Feel Useful and sense of belonging.

Blessed be.

Part of current vanilla bean harvest. Picture by John Rose.
Led Grow Lights
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