Common white folks’ arguments debunked!
My brothers and sisters, copy and paste these words and send it to your own email address so that you will always have them (in case, for whatever reason something happens to this article or this account…) and so that you can simply copy and paste these response any time you see these silly arguments from white folks and their minions. Remember, many of them use the brainwashing method of propaganda, instead of the truth, to fight. Indeed, the quote “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
So when it comes to white folks and their minions who think in a racist fashion and speak through a white supremacist paradigm, you MUST be as diligent. Just not with lies, but the truth. You must continue to combat with the truth with FACTS regularly, even if some of them try not to allow little things like facts to ruin their arguments...
You must not let such wicked indoctrination go unchallenged. However, since I realize how exasperating it is and how much energy it can take to continue to debunk the same arguments with silly white folks and other non-whites who are still white supremacists (their minions), this can help you not to use too much of your brain power to research answers and argue back-and-forth with them. Indeed, arguing with a lot of white folks and trolls is kind of like a playing a game of whack-a-mole (you know, regardless of how many you hit, more pop up), so with this information copied step-by-step, you can simply copy and paste the responses and let it go.
So, without further ado, let’s get into some the common arguments that some use to try to disparage the Negro and the worthwhile responses.
“Black people only make up 13 % of the population, yet commit over 60% of the (violent) crimes!”:
First of all, that is a misleading argument that isn’t necessarily true. Just because black people may be convicted of crimes more (that is, are found guilty by the legal system and are locked up more) doesn’t mean that they actually commit crimes more. That being said, various factors such as being unfairly targeted to begin with (racial profiling), often not being as able to afford good legal representation, the bias and racism within the legal system itself, not actually being judged by their peers (people who look like them and understand them), and the understanding that, though the legal system may claim that one is only found guilty if found guilty BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT (meaning that there should be no doubt whatsoever at all), often in the case of the Negro, they are already perceived as being guilty even before being proven innocent!
All of these things disprove the implied argument that blacks are simply more genetically prone to criminality. The information that was just pointed out do disprove that implication isn’t rocket science. One might think that with the “superior intellect” that certain ones claim to have that they would be able to understand these things, but since they don’t, obviously, their intellect must not be that superior. I don’t believe it and you shouldn’t either
“They sold their own people!”:
This argument, seemingly used to justify slavery or, rather, to claim that the slave owners who participated in slavery aren’t guilty, fails on multiple fronts.
First of all, we’re not even sure that such is true. Just like people of different European countries didn’t always see themselves as being the same people as those of other European countries just because they are what we consider white today (#ad), neither should we assume that all Africans considered themselves to be the same people as other Africans (particularly the ones that they sold) just because they all were black! It’s more than likely that they were selling their enemies, which one would then assume were from other tribes or nations, not necessarily who they saw as being “their own people.”
Saying so is about as stupid of an argument as saying that white people were killing their own people during World War II! Using it to justify slavery is also about as stupid as saying that people shouldn’t sympathize with the Jewish victims of the holocaust and their families because “their own people” (as in, other white people) killed them. Again, this doesn’t seem hard for me to grasp, but apparently it is for certain racist white folks who claim that they have a… superior intellect, but I digress.
Lastly, the argument fails morally, because even if the allegation was true (which it’s not!), it still wouldn’t excuse the slave owners. Saying that it does is as stupid as saying that grown men who rape and beat a little girl aren’t guilty of being scum bags because “her own father sold her.” Yes, that’s a very harsh analogy, but I had to drive the point home. See, these are the type of animals that you are dealing with when they use that type of argument. Then again, maybe that’s an insult to animals. 🙂
Another sick argument commonly used is that blacks should be thankful for slavery because, allegedly, slaves weren’t treated that bad 🙄 and without it, blacks wouldn’t have experienced all of the fantastic wonders and freedoms (ironically) of the western world. Like the drastic example above, even if that WERE true (which it’s not!), that’s like saying that a little girl being raped and beaten shouldn’t complain about it because, by having minimal food to eat and water to drink, she isn’t being treated that bad and that if it wasn’t for the benefit of her being allowed to live there, she would be homeless. Not to mention that she would want to escape and would rather be homeless, the same way that slaves wanted to be free and to escape, even though they were hunted down and often beaten or killed when they tried to, but I digress. Again, you have to consider the nature of the people who use those type of arguments. And I gotta tell you… it’s not pretty.
“Black people have been in Africa for thousands of years and it’s still a shithole!”:
Concerning the state of Africa, there could be an article and perhaps even an entire book written about it (#ad), but suffice it to say, it is understood that colonialism, imperialism, the raping and pillaging of Africa, and divide-and-conquer strategies, perhaps, among even more things, had a disastrous effect upon the development of Africa and African nations.
Additionally, the educational systems introduced were designed to serve colonial interests, resulting in a lack of educational infrastructure that hindered human capital development. Even after independence, neocolonial influences, debt burdens, and economic exploitation persisted, preventing Africa from achieving economic sovereignty. Even today, western governments may want Africa to be forced to depend upon them. Allegedly, Muammar Gaddafi, planned on instituting an African currency known as the gold dinar, which would have helped liberate Africa economically, which is claimed to be the real reason behind his assassination. That hasn’t been confirmed as far as I know, but if true, I wouldn’t be too shocked.
“They never even invented the wheel or had a written language!”:
Such an “argument” probably shouldn’t even be entertained, really, since it seems obvious that such statements are simply designed to be insulting without any desire for real dialogue. Of course, a simple response would be to say that if they are too stupid to use Google and realize that Black people have a rich history of diverse cultures and civilizations across the African continent, many of which had written languages and sophisticated systems of communication, they are probably not educated enough to have a worthwhile discussion with anyway. However, for your own benefit and knowledge, you should be aware that some examples of African written languages include the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Meroitic script, and the Ge’ez script, among others. These writing systems were used for various purposes, including recording historical events, religious texts, and administrative records.
They should probably educate themselves and read such informational books as “From Babylon to Timbuktu”, but then again, some people might be too stupid to even want to be properly educated with such knowledge.
Responding to their various complaints about affirmative action:
Again, some are apparently too historically illiterate to understand the reasons WHY such a policy needed to be created in the first place and the necessity of it. But aside from that glaring issue, contrary to popular belief, it is understood that the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action were actually white women, not blacks.
👆🏾 What!? Say it isn’t so! 😮
“Why can’t black people get it together! They’ve been in the USA for centuries!”:
Aside from the aforementioned issues of things like legal discrimination, it appears that certain white folks have put in other policies and practices to ensure that Black people in particular don’t get ahead, such as red lining practices, giving Black people higher interest rates on loans, giving Black people lower appraisal offers when blacks are trying to sell homes, etc. I recall a story of a black person trying to sell a home and they got a certain offer, but when getting that same home appraised again, under the illusion that it was owned by a white person, the appraisal was higher. So, what was the question about why Black people just can’t “get it together” again? 🙄
Responding to their various complaints about welfare:
Notwithstanding that it’s pretty crappy to bash people for being in a position to need help and assistance to begin with (regardless of color), even so, there are more white people on welfare than Black people. Of course, some of the “geniuses” will no doubt bring up the percentages argument, saying that there are obviously more white people on welfare since there are more white people in the country (the USA) than Black people to begin with, but that still wouldn’t matter because it would still defeat the implied argument that welfare is a “black thing.” Clearly, it’s not.
So no, all of the self-righteous “indignation” that they have about black people being the only people taking up the tax payers money simply isn’t true. Basic research would prove that, but some people can’t be bothered with little things like research and facts, apparently.
After all, it is understood that Lyndon B. Johnson once said:
Besides, Black people pay taxes too, so it’s not like the whole “Woe is me, only us poor, pitiful white people are paying taxes so that we can support all the black people while they have their feet kicked up and don’t even pay one cent! 😭” complaint is even accurate. But hey, if that is some subliminal way of saying that blacks of slave descent probably shouldn’t have to pay taxes as some form of reparations, considering not only the brutal history of blacks of slave descent in general, but even the systemic racism that many Black people face today (such as some of the practices mentioned above), well, perhaps we might actually agree on something after all, but I digress.
“I live a hard life too! Where is my white privilege!”:
Contrary to the presumption of that statement, having privilege doesn’t mean that everything is picture perfect. I planned to write another article on this very subject, but suffice it to say, another way to say white privilege is white advantage. Basically, it simply means that being white is an advantage in a lot of ways. No more, no less. It’s sort of like saying height privilege. Just because a man is 6 feet tall doesn’t mean that he won’t have problems dating and it doesn’t mean that women are all of a sudden going to throw themselves at his feet merely for that reason. It’s just that, generally speaking, his height isn’t going to be something that he’s discriminated against for.
“All lives matter!”:
Yeah, well, all houses matter too, so why should anyone pay any more attention to your house if it’s on fire than they would the other houses that aren’t? 🙄
“White people invented the civilization you enjoy, so stop complaining!:
Riiiight… 👍🏾. Yeah, keep telling yourselves that. White insecurity seems to go so deep that some people actually have to tell such lies, not just to convince others, but even to convince themselves! Remember, the quote from earlier about repeating a lie so much in order for it to be believed.
First of all, a lot of the inventions and contributions of people, particularly Black people in general, have been deliberately hidden (#ad). This was to promote the mythology of white supremacy and black inferiority in order to justify slavery and the dehumanization of the Negro. Remember, throughout the times of slavery, even if a slave did invent something, it more than likely was credited to the slave owner.
Not only that, but Black people have invented (and helped to invent) a lot of things, it’s just that a lot of Black people didn’t harp on it that much in order to preserve the racial identity of the inventors, fortunately or unfortunately. That being said, the racial integrity of many inventors should have been preserved, simply due to many white people’s desperate attempts to try to make it seem like Black people didn’t do anything or invent anything of significance. Why they are so insecure that they need Black people to feel that way, who knows.
Now the idea that white people made America is laughable, at least if they really believe that they were the only major players that made America what it is today. It doesn’t even take a rocket scientist to put it together that f centuries of free labor would take a country a long way, economically speaking.
Now these facts, as well as others, are facts that one could get from a simple Google search or from simply reading some books, like the following:
One could use the information if they wanted to actually have a serious discussion with the people who make that argument. However, if you wanted to do a simple clapback due to such a conversation with them not being worth the energy, if they tell you to stop using the white man’s technology, tell them as an individual to stop living on other peoples land then lol. If they then claim that they actually live in Europe, you could say, “Awesome. Now why don’t you go be a good little boy or girl and get the rest of your brethren to do the same. Then maybe you can finally prove to be worth something to the world after all!” I know, I know. I can be a nasty little booger if I wanted to.
(Side note: I don’t actually believe that white people should move anywhere at this point. What’s done is done. That’s just a clever clap back for certain people, more than likely who are online and probably trolls or something anyway.)
“The Irish were slaves too! Where are our reparations!?:”
Actually, the Irish were indentured servants.
“The Irish slaves myth is a fringe pseudohistorical narrative that conflates the penal transportation and indentured servitude of Irish people during the 17th and 18th centuries, with the hereditary chattel slavery experienced by the forebears of the African diaspora. Some white nationalists, and others who want to minimize the effects of hereditary chattel slavery on Africans and their descendants…”
Responding to the “Go back to Africa” arguments and the idea that “white countries” should be for white people in general:
Even some of the silliest white people should probably know better than to use the “go back to Africa” argument at this point, considering the history, but in case they don’t, you can enlighten them to the fact that not only were Black people forcefully “invited” to America and other places against their will, but if they have such a problem with Black people, it should be a lot easier for them to move to Europe. After all, seeing as how many black Americans and other blacks of slave descent have little cultural similarities to modern Africans at this point and don’t even know which countries they are really native to, it should be much easier for any racist white people, with their histories intact, to go to the place of ethnic their origins (especially if they know the language and culture) and get acclimated. Besides, generally speaking, if someone has a problem with another person, if they’re the ones with the problem, why ask the other person to leave when they themselves could just leave?
Now, when it comes to the idea that white countries should be for white people, you have to look at the subtle deception in that statements. Because sometimes they’ll say something like, “Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, and white countries for white people.” Notice they don’t say “Europe for Europeans.” The truth of the matter is, no matter how much they try to spin it and claim that the United States, Australia, and even South Africa, for goodness sakes, are “white countries”, and, therefore, belong to white people, it’s simply not true! Of course they’ll try to use all sorts of arguments and mental gymnastics, claiming that they conquered them so it’s rightfully theirs, that they supposedly introduced civilization to places, and all of that junk, but at the end of the day, even those arguments don’t hold water. They simply aren’t native to a lot of the places that they have the audacity to complain about other people living in. That’s actually quite… stupid if you think about it. Surely that isn’t another example of the superior white intellect that some of them speak so much about, is it? *gasps*
“We conquered Africa and America like warriors, so they belong to us!”:
Slow down. That’s not quite accurate and very misleading, if anything. Not to say that conquering a place even means that it rightfully belongs to the so-called conquerors to begin with, but for the sake of the argument, I still don’t necessarily agree that they conquered, at least not in the way that they want to imply. They make it sound like they were like the Spartans of 300 or something, that they just came through, that they were such mighty and fierce warriors that no one could stand against, and that they heroically conquered and took over. 🙄 That is mere fantasy.
The real story isn’t that exciting or heroic by a long shot. I can’t really say too much about Africa, other than perhaps one of the major reasons that they were able to get in so well into Africa to begin was that they had help from some of the Africans who they were already trading and dealing with. As mentioned earlier, when Africans captured their enemies, if some random people from who-knows-where came to them and were willing to buy them for a price, of course they would be willing to sell. It’s probably only after they realized that it was skin color and racially motivated and that so much damage concerning their race due to such trading was happening across the world in general, that they eventually realized, perhaps too late, that what was going on was something that they shouldn’t have been a part of to begin with because it was bigger than just selling their enemies for a quick buck. In addition, unlike the spartan warriors, I think that the Europeans simply having guns had a big deal to do with it.
As for conquering America, again, it wasn’t that they just came as blatant enemies and took over. If they tried it that way, I think they would have been wiped out. After all, I think I have even read that some of the Native Americans had to help them to even survive “the new world” to a degree. Furthermore, a lot of the conquering wasn’t due to Sparta-like warfare, but rather due to little things like diseases that were brought by the Europeans, weasel-like tactics such as giving the Native Americans smallpox-infused blankets, using alcohol as a weapon against some of the Native Americans who may have had a low tolerance for it, etc. Not to mention, they probably came about as if they were relatively friendly in the beginning. Then when there were enough Europeans in the land, they had enough of a foothold to show some of their true colors, so to speak. So no, their conquering wasn’t like the movie 300 or anything. Sorry to disappoint.
“Everybody had slaves! That’s how the world worked! Get over it!”:
The problem is concerning the word slave. Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, human servitude in some form or capacity has been around throughout human history. However, American chattel slavery was an entirely different animal and has been said to be the worst institution or whatever in history. This is because, generally speaking, slavery in times past mostly had to do with either the enslavement of enemies or enemy nations (as a result of warfare or something) or it was more like a form of indentured servitude. Of course, this isn’t to say that there wasn’t unjust slavery of individuals to begin with that may not have been about warfare war or indentured servitude. However, American chattel slavery was known as a peculiar institution that was based not only strictly on race, but was designed to be generational to where the slaves, their children, and their children’s children were supposed to be continual slaves forever! Also, one might say that the way America treated slaves was much worse than the slavery of any other civilizations in history.
And finally
Responding to white “arguments” if they degrade into a meltdown of insults, jokes, and silliness:
A lot of times when you use the above information (or even if you don’t), you may come across a white person who eventually gets triggered and starts throwing insults, using silly phrases, and posting stupid memes, such as the “we wuz kangs” stuff and all of the other loser crap.
At that point, you probably already won whatever “debate” they think they were having, even though, yet again, they might be too stupid to realize it, in spite of their claimed superior intelligence. That being said, if you are really, really, really bored, you could engage the silliness, but your time would probably be better spent doing something else.
However if it’s just too hard to resist or too hard to let them get the last word with their silliness, you could casually mention that it’s usually the lowest of the low white people (such as them?) who claim white supremacy simply because, as individuals, they simply have nothing else going for themselves to be proud of. You could also ask why is it that the trashiest of white people are the ones that try to promote white supremacy when they aren’t even good examples of any such thing and when, on the contrary, there may not be much reason to think of them at all as individuals, unless perhaps as a reminder to take out the trash or something. Finally, you could say that out of curiosity, you just want to know how they managed to have white privilege yet still end up being a failure. After saying those things, you should probably bow out because I suspect that the conversation had already stopped being productive at that point, if it ever was.
You made it! I know that this was a long article, but hey, there is a lot of ignorant and racist silliness out there to address. I do plan to make a simplified version of this in time, so that the responses won’t be too long.
In any case, if you really like and appreciate this writing, I encourage you to not only clap for it, but that you share this article with any people of color, with any allies, and in any groups, forums, etc. that discuss racial issues, politics, and injustice. In fact, feel free to use the following friend link
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