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Cheers To All Who Shared Just How Bad People Can Be About Cleaning

These responses were better than some movies!

Photo by Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

As introverted as I am, I’m also fascinated by people.

There’s nothing like reading the comment section of YouTube videos and the responses to some of my stories here on Medium.

I’ve written a story about some of my favorite responses to multiple stories, however, this time ALL of the following responses are from ONE story.

Who knew that my opinions on “cleaning” would be so controversial?!

There are 111 responses right now…

…some of them have been so outrageous, but TRUE (as far as I know) that I wanted to give them their own spotlight.

Also, this is a way of showing my thanks, in a bigger way, to those who took the time to write and share their responses.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to all of these writers who shared their own exceptional stories in response to my story.

Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash

Ticapo- Enjoying this fascinating thing called life. Sharing with you what inspires me. Lover of psychology, sleep, and travel.

Your story reminds me of when I moved into my current home — it was painted black and dark purple. The walls, ceilings, and yes, radiators.

Besides that, a few walls had zebra printed wallpaper. The sides of the floor were broken, the plinths were hammered with a nail and chewed on. That last part was because of their dog, I found out later.

Thanks to the way it looked, I was the 11th on the list but got the apartment because nobody before me wanted it/saw what it could be.

Now it looks great (I think, haha) :D

Regan DuCasse

I've known too many people who aren't just messy. They ARE dangerous to the health of others whether they are visiting or not. I've had close friends who NEVER cleaned. AND they had pets.

The result, was chronic lung and other infections of the skin.

Regardless of the excellent products to dust with, and maintain cleaner countertops, too many people have so much clutter on EVERY surface, they really aren't effective enough.

And now, people are bringing their dogs anywhere and everywhere they please in enclosed retail, restaurants, movies, grocery stores and malls. They DO let their pets crap and urinate in these places, without any attempts to stop it or clean it up.

In this time of an extremely serious pandemic viral crisis, this is happening.

People either aren't used to, and aren't organized around the kind of effective cleaning that reduces contamination and infections for OTHERS.

I have mentioned often, that human to animal, or animal to human infection happens because of such wrongful incursion and proximity to animals that ARE supposed to be restricted for this reason.

Hygiene and barriers offer the most protection.

But not if people ignore it and don't have the right skills when it comes to cleaning disciplines.

And that goes for people that allow their cats, to walk on kitchen counters and shed in that area.

And not clean it.

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

Jennifer McDougall- Satirical takes on all life chucks my way. Christian, Spouse/Caregiver, Mom, Teacher, World Traveler, Coffee Addict, Crack of Dawn Runner, Book Binger

I feel your pain. For a few years we were landlords and the tenants left disgusting messes. 🤮 When we moved into the home we love in now it was spotless — a nice change.

The woman we bought from said she always paid a cleaner when she was moving — because someone had once done it for her and it as such a blessing she was passing it on.

Reverend Andy- College lecturer of philosophy, and religion. Environmental ethicist. Ordained and reverent reverend. Let’s tell the truth… email: [email protected]

The house I recently purchased was a pot farm out of which the last tenants dealt drugs.

To get the stench out it has taken repainting everything, replacing all window shades, and $500 to have a service clean all of the air ducts.

The bathroom and kitchen are so bad I’m going to be tearing them out and replacing everything from floor to ceiling.

Some humans can be pigs!

I get asked all the time, “Why in the world did you buy it then?”

Answer: “California real estate is _____” (fill in blank)

The neighborhood is great and the neighbors are happy to have me in and the drug dealers out, which is something.

Photo by Ryan Lange on Unsplash

Kristi Keller- Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. http://writtenbykristi.com/

I once had a roommate who kept her room so disgusting that I literally had to throw out the whole bed when she moved out.

It STANK like things I’ve never smelled before.

Jean Campbell- Writer in true crime, humor and poetry. For more, check out my web page at https://jxcampbell.com

I hear you.

We had a border who didn’t clean his room or bathroom for the full two years he lived with us.

Great guy and still a friend, but man was the grime intense!

Karin Bartimole- Mixed media artist, bookbinder, avid reader, vegan

I once moved into a home I had signed a one year lease for, and the owners were the previous residents.

The kitchen was so incredibly filthy, with thick grease covering the entire stove, smears of god knows what on the walls, and clear evidence cleaning simply was not a priority.

Like you, I spent hours cleaning, while feeling resentment the whole time!

I began to log my hours once I realized I had many more to go, then I found out the going rate for cleaners, and wrote a calm letter to the landlord with my next rent check, deducting my 12 hours or so of cleaning.

He accepted my solution without hesitation — perhaps from embarrassment, perhaps not. I do like cleanliness.

While living in that house, I began suffering from what has turned into 35 years of chronic pain, and cleaning has fallen far down my list of priorities. The lack of order still drives me a little crazy, but I have sure learned to let go of a whole lot.

Balance in all things, I guess.

Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Klara Jane Holloway- I’m retired and Medium helps me foster a young mind. I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!

When I moved into my condo and after it was painted and new carpet put in I paid a company to spend 6 hours cleaning it from top to bottom. I just couldn’t tackle that job. Once that’s done it’s much easier to keep it clean.

My grandchildren live in a filthy smelly home with just their dad who makes them do cleaning but they aren’t very thorough. Plus 2 dogs who regularly poop and pee in the house because no one is there to let them out. And 3 cats. It’s disgusting . And they smell.

This man makes in the 6 figures but won’t pay for a housekeeper. I stay out of it except to tell them to bring their laundry to me and take showers and wash their hair at my house anytime they want.

My daughter is working on getting custody of her son for this reason. My granddaughter is 18 and moving out soon but she’s the one that tries to keep the place clean. Filth and messes bring chaos and disorder into a home. Sorry. There’s my rant. This set me off!

Umm Ismael Muslimah

Some people may think that this is a new thing with the younger generations.

Nope, we had a neighbor when I was growing up who almost never cleaned her house. It was awful.

ONCE When she wanted to impress a date, she cleaned it thoroughly.

They actually had to use a shovel to find the carpet. This was back in the 70s.

My response:

Daaaaaaaaaaamn!?!!?!! I wonder how impressed the date was. Did you ever see the inside of her place? I can only imagine what the smell must’ve been like…..

His response:

She used to be my babysitter.

It stunk like you can imagine, only with cheap perfume to cover up.

The guy married her. Then he found out how she usually kept house.

Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

There were many responses that mentioned people with disabilities, mental conditions, and/or disorders, like ADHD.

Of course, as with many things in life, there are exceptions.

As a way to further clarify the matter, I wrote a follow-up response story specifically geared towards those who could relate to this group.

It has been an eye-opening experience (in many ways), to say the least.

THANK YOU to everyone who has ever read, responded and/or clapped!

I value every aspect of writing and sharing my stories here on Medium- more than words can ever express.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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