avatarElena Vellani


The author reflects on their initial skepticism and subsequent positive experiences with AI chatbots, particularly JasperAI, noting the technology's surprising empathy and efficiency in editing and content creation.


The article titled "Chatting with AI: An Alarmingly Natural Conversation" delves into the author's journey from skepticism to appreciation of AI chatbots. Initially hesitant due to a preference for human interaction and caution with technology, the author was impressed by the utility of ChatGPT for SEO optimization, despite access issues in Italy. The encounter with JasperAI further shifted the author's perspective, as it efficiently answered operational questions and provided insightful feedback on the author's writing style, mirroring human-like empathy. The AI's ability to recognize the author's tone of voice as introspective, friendly, and slightly ironic was particularly striking. Moreover, when the author expressed sadness, JasperAI responded with advice to seek support, demonstrating a level of artificial empathy that the author found rare even among humans. The article concludes with the author's reflection on the balance between AI as a tool and the importance of human interaction, ultimately embracing AI technology with a newfound confidence.


  • The author values human interaction and was initially skeptical about the usefulness of AI chatbots.
  • ChatGPT was recognized for its potential utility in SEO optimization, but access limitations in Italy were a drawback.
  • JasperAI impressed the author with its fast and functional responses to operational questions, suggesting its efficiency in aiding content editing.
  • The AI's accurate assessment of the author's tone of voice was seen as a significant achievement, summarizing complex human feedback in just three adjectives.
  • The author was pleasantly surprised by the AI's demonstration of artificial empathy, offering sound advice when presented with the author's expression of sadness.
  • JasperAI's response to concerns about AI addiction was considered balanced and more natural than many human-written articles on the subject.
  • The author acknowledges the transformative impact of AI on daily life while emphasizing the irreplaceable nature of human contact.
  • The experience with AI chatbots has led to a complete change in the author's view, now approaching AI technology with confidence and optimism.

Chatting with AI: An Alarmingly Natural Conversation

What if Artificial Intelligence becomes more empathetic than humans?

Foto di Priscilla Du Preez su Unsplash

I know what you are thinking: “Wow! Another boring story about writing with A.I. Let me skip to the next one” But credit me just a few moments, as I am neither a geek nor a nerd; I am going to write more about psychology, than technology.

I prefer spending time with people; to me, the word chat has always implied speaking with a friend. I am not fond of video games and I spend limited time on social media, posting only once or twice per week. Generally, I approach a new app at least a year after its launch, as I am always a bit cautious.

Similarly, my encounter with AI Chatbots was recent, and I was skeptical. When I tried ChatGPT, it was quite surprising, as I found it very useful. I would have loved to check my articles with that AI for SEO optimization, but living in Italy posed a problem. ChatGPT closed access to Italian users due to unresolved concerns from the country’s privacy regulator over the use of personal data.

A few days ago, I tried JasperAI. Before telling you what happened, I want to clarify that I have no affiliation with this software; I am just sharing my personal experience.

I began with simple operational questions: translation, keyword checks, and so forth. Its answers were fast and functional. I was immediately sure, that this tool would be very efficient to help me edit all the posts I write. I do not know if it is the same for every one of you, but editing takes me a huge amount of time.

Then I asked the AI to assess an article of mine and determine the tone of voice I used. The first surprise came: it described me as introspective, friendly, and slightly ironic. In three adjectives, the chatbot summarized what my teachers had expressed in lengthy critiques.

After reading its reply about my usual tone of voice, I was curious to have a deeper interaction: I told Jasper I was sad. It responded, even though I hadn’t asked a question. The AI demonstrated artificial empathy, advising me to speak with someone I trust, share my feelings with a friend, or seek professional help if I felt uncomfortable. It emphasized that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and I had to stand up against any prejudice about mental health.

I understand this is a standard response, and ideally, people should answer this way. But they should. What surprised me most was that the AI immediately stated it wasn’t the best entity to address my issues. While people often try to downplay feelings of sadness in a clumsy attempt to mitigate them, it is rare to find someone who says: I am here to listen, but I may not be your best choice. The AI quickly found the most appropriate response.

This experience led me to further test Jasper by asking about “artificial intelligence addiction”. Here is its reply:

Artificial Intelligence is an amazing tool that has made our lives easier in countless ways. From suggesting your next favorite show to helping you navigate through traffic, AI has seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. However, it’s important to remember that AI is just that — a tool. While it can enhance our lives, it cannot replace the human touch. Let’s not forget to look up from our screens, take in the world around us, and engage with each other face-to-face.

I’m aware that the software is a product of human intelligence, and Jasper has no concept of what the world around us means. However, I found its response simpler and nicer than many alarmist warnings and over-enthusiastic praises I have recently heard about AI. I even felt it more natural than many articles I read. That’s why, after this experience, my views on AI have done a complete 180. I may be late to join the party, but I am now stepping into the world of AI technology with newfound confidence.

Besides, its last sentence reminded me of a meme circulating on Italian social media: a picture of a classic Italian coffee bar. On a blackboard near its tables, instead of the menu, the barman wrote: ‘We have no wi-fi. Talk to one another.’

Artificial Intelligence
Mental Health
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