Chase your joy like it’s the last bus of the night Do not get left behind or overcome In the shadows of empty streets Or alleys of lost dreams and despair
Do not lose yourself within the nebulous space of Fog that has long since crested the mountain peaks and blanketed the city in sea cloud, a place where many have been lost.
Take no time to stop and find the secret alleys or hidden stairs that wind through Eden’s garden paths toward starlit homes and the crescent moon
Do not see the sleeping houses once made up bright in golden hours’ light, but now are dark with only window pain glimpses of what could be just a blurred vision from outside not within
Or save this run for another day? Are you in a race that forbids considering “Will there ever be a time with less urgency?” a time to find your shelter within?
Turn to see what you are passing. Permit yourself to see fire taillights staring you in the face Watch bus cables spark at the peak of hills then disappear beyond your view.
You are not abandoned in the wilderness. Find your pillar of Cloud at Night Then follow it during the day. Do not be afraid.
You were made to stroll along shadow roads To read the words of prophets that appear in sidewalk chalk Enjoy the succulent gardens that line your route for the city shouts peace in the moonlight as in sun
Walk past the sleeping homes of possibility reached only by climbing hidden stairs and find dreams ascending along the hillside stars Allow hope to lift you to towering peaks where tower summits and ocean clouds meet.
Take in this winding trek you came.
Tomorrow’s routes will begin again.
For now there’s nighttime joy to be explored.