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Character: The Act of Becoming

A person’s character is shaped by the thoughts they think and the things they do every day

In Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl retells life in a Nazi prison camp and uncovers the secret to living a fulfilled life: you get to choose how you cope with suffering.

Those who abandon hope or rely on external sources for gratification suffer the most. Those who find joy in what they do, choosing their inner attitudes to external circumstances, will find purpose wherever they may be and under even the direst circumstances.

When all else is lost, it is the last of human freedoms.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” — Victor Frankl

We get to choose who we are by directing who we become. It’s the compounding effort of daily disciplines, atomic habits, and an unshakeable mindset.

Self Improvement
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