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An individual reflects on the fulfilling journey of transitioning from an executive role to a diverse array of professional endeavors, emphasizing the importance of flexibility, structure, and the joy of spontaneity.


The author, having left

Change is Working For Me

Trying new things is the only way to change

By TierneyMJ

When I left my executive role earlier in the year, my goal was to have a more flexible and fulfilling work life. In the intervening 6 months, I have started a new company, consulted for some really lovely organisations, started as a Non-Executive Director, taken on freelance writing and even started an e-commerce store — this is what I learned and why I love it!

Finding the Right Balance

From the start, my goal was to try as many different things as was sensible. Organisational skills have always been a strength of mine, but it’s tested even my skills and patience in this area. I’ve learned four things that I think are important when balancing different career streams

  1. Create structure. Build slots into each week when you always do the same thing. Give yourself structure and normality. For example, 3–4 pm every Friday is Etsy hour. I’ll explain it below
  2. Don’t create your own stress. Never stress yourself over something that cannot be done. I know that sounds trite and people will say “easy for you to say”, but ultimately when I feel stress building up, I just look at what needs doing, put them in order and move forward — which links to the next two things
  3. Multi-tasking - don’t do it. In fact, it cannot be done, so stop pretending it can. No person can do multiple things at once. What you are doing is ‘task switching’ and that’s a false economy. Studies show that it takes up to 20 minutes to get properly focused on a task, so if you are constantly switching, you are being inefficient. Do the same two tasks one after each other, you’ll complete them faster AND you’ll do a better job of them
  4. Prioritisation becomes your superpower to master. The best way not to drop the balls you are juggling and to not stress yourself out (see above) is to become a master at prioritising your tasks. However you like to work (to-do lists, planners, Trello boards etc…) just be strong, dedicate time to scheduling (not just doing) and then stick to things
Photo by Oluwakemi Solaja on Unsplash

I said at the beginning that I’ve been loving things and I really have. Pinpointing exactly why has been tough, but sitting and writing about it has helped me focus on a few things

The Ability to Be Spontaneous

When I have an idea, within reason I’m allowed to act on it. Might be a waste of time, but it's just my time I’m wasting. But some of the best ideas in the world came from people messing around on ideas.

The perfect example is the day I decided to build an e-commerce site with my business partner. I’d just read an article on this fine publication all about how easy it was to set up an Etsy store and using the dropshipping method, create products that you didn’t need to stock and start selling direct fro the supplier.

I messaged James all about it and he said, let's build it next week. So we did. We put aside a Friday and challenged ourselves to build a store from scratch and stock it. And we did it. Geek Dad Designs was born. We learnt loads about the process, which has helped already with one client, we had tons of fun and we have even started selling stuff!

Every Friday between 3–4 pm you will find James and me working on a new design idea or thinking about how to promote it. Currently, we are pondering expanding it into a Podcast, blog and newsletter. Target a small niche and see what happens — all from acting on a spontaneous idea from reading.

Working Alongside Someone

The biggest thing I have done in my new career is to create a new company with a friend. I’ve read plenty of stories about how that can be a recipe for disaster but so far so good for us. I don’t think it’s working by luck either. We agreed one fundamental thing upfront that all businesses should do, not just friends creating something.

We went through an exercise around what motivated us. We call the exercise ‘Yeah, But Why?’. You ask yourself what matters to you. But then challenge it. For James and I, we started on slightly different paths, but when we really dug into things, we realised we both wanted to make an impact and work closely with business owners.

This has meant that our personal motivations and values are aligned, meaning what we have set as the values of the business work for us both. For example, when the second Lockdown was announced, we both, independently, started thinking about how we could help. Within 24 hours we had gone live with the offer for ANY small business to get a free workshop if they were struggling.

Loving My Clients

This was always going to be a big part of my mindset, as it’s a big part of why I decided on a career change. I wanted to have a bigger impact on the people I worked with. Here are a few highlights

Charity work — I’ve been lucky enough to start helping a charity build a marketing strategy. It’s genuinely amazing working with people that have such a passion for what they do.

Small business Owners — We have spent time with a lot of small businesses that have struggled because of Lockdown and with people that have created startups because of being let go. We even helped one person pivot her business and create a new brand all about her passion.

Writing projects — I’ve worked with a factory worker that has a passion for crafting with his daughter, someone that’s cycled around the world and a finance house with a genuine personality. The variety has been the key.

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

Writing is What I Love

I don’t think I’ll ever be a full-time writer. I don’t think I’m good enough to make the living I’d want, but I tell you what, I’m having blast finding out how far my talent can take me.

Writing was always my stress reliever. The thing I turned to as a distraction from work. Now I get to do that as part of my work pattern and get paid for it. If I feel myself getting frustrated with something, I write an article for Medium, I go and write on one of my ongoing projects from UpWork or select a project from a specialist writing site I’ve managed to get signed up to. It always relaxes me.

The thing I have found that works for me, has been taking on most projects, however small. However much I’ve written at a high level in my corporate life, as a writer in this world I’m unknown, I have no reputation. For example, on UpWork I needed to build up projects completed, get reviews etc… so I took on small projects, not a good rate, but they were fun and they started to get me known.

One key for me was picking projects and assignments that I enjoyed. I’ve written a blog about a day in the life of a dad, a travel article about my visit to a Panda sanctuary in Chengdu and even an SEO article about the importance of triple 19 in a game of darts!

I have done a few odd ones, but they were all with an end goal. Build a reputation, get known as someone willing to write about anything and it's now left me with 5 or 6 regular people I’m getting projects for.

Take a Risk and Do New Things

Rather than a long and insightful conclusion, I thought I would leave with just a thought from my experiences and let you think about what that might mean for you if you are thinking of doing the same.

“Always take on something new, even if it’s not going to pay you a lot. You will learn something, you will build a network. Down the line, these things will grow into something bigger. It’s about patience.”

Self Improvement
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