avatarJT. Alexander -FMT



Help me create something real.

“Moment of Gratitude: I am grateful for all the blessings I have received.”

“Change is growth. Embrace it as the path to your best self.”

Change, journey so tough,

Seed beneath the ground so rough.

First, hard, a challenge, vast,

But courage in hearts, we cast.

Messy middle, path unclear,

Storms and winds, we, persevere.

Uncertainty, a constant friend,

Yet, step by step, we mend and blend.

Gorgeous at its end, sight not rare,

Flower blooms, beyond compare.

From hardship to beauty,

Change indeed, is a divine cutie.

“God, thank you for blessing my home.”

FMT- Free My Thoughts

“Don’t forget to take a moment of gratitude. What are you grateful for today?”

Self Improvement
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