avatarSonja Rae



Cassie Bares Everything

A Sex-Collective Story

This story is part of the Sex-Collective collection of stories. It’s a collaborative environment for erotica writers to work together and have fun writing stories based on a simple concept. To read more about the Sex Collective project, please click the link at the end of the story.

“Get it together, Cassie.” My bare feet pitter-patter on the cool tile, waiting for the door to open while I mumble to myself.

I’ve had nothing but tingles crawling all over my body since I stepped foot on this property. The whole thing is surreal, and I’ve never felt more at home and so alienated at the same time. Being naked in front of other people is something I’m used to. I’ve modeled and posed naked for artists and photographers since the day I turned 18, literally. To say I’m comfortable being nude is an understatement.

What I’m not used to is the overwhelming sexual energy that seems to fuel this place. I know they have a solar farm on the back side of the property, but I sweat the light all run on pure fucking.

That’s where I’m bogged down and overwhelmed. To look at me, especially if you know my past, you would think I’m the world’s biggest slut. I mean, how could I not be? I made a living being naked in front of strangers, and when I wasn’t posing, I was dancing at clubs. I have the golden aesthetic, or so I’ve been told. The combination of natural, platinum blonde hair and “fuck me” blue eyes, paired with my naturally fit physique, made getting modeling gigs easy. I got hit on all the time, but I wasn’t overly interested in the sex. The truth is, I’ve only had one sexual partner.

No one believes me when I say that, except for Sammi and Cal. They knew right away I wasn’t the little slut everyone thinks I am, and I’m grateful they took me in because of it. I hope I don’t let them down.

I’ve watched people having sex. All genders and orientations, and yet, my nerves about the taboo have held me back.

It’s not that I don’t want to fuck and be watched. I masturbate to the thought almost every night. It’s something else that prevents me from living up to my full potential here.

“What can we do for you?” Both Sammi and Cal take in my naked form as I walk into the meeting room. Cal’s cock twitches uncontrollably, which lights a fire within me.

“I wanted to say that I’m sorry — for letting you down.” It’s the only way I can say it. I’m at the Sex Collective, and the only thing I haven’t done since coming here is actually have sex.

“Whatever for?” Sammi is something else. I can’t get enough of her. She always seems to have the right things to say, and the energy she gives off matches any situation. Right now, she exudes motherly energy. I feel safe here with them and nurtured. It’s not a feeling I’m used to in my life, as almost everyone I’ve met has tried to take advantage of the blue-eyed blondie.

“I haven’t had sex yet.” My eyes fall to the floor when I can’t help but notice Sammi’s perfect toes. She doesn’t wear makeup, and her fingernails are never painted. But her toes are perfect and painted cherry red.

“Why do you paint your toes?” I can’t help but ask.

“Because it makes me happy. I don’t wear makeup because I work hard here, and it usually ends up running all over my face. Fingernail polish comes off when I work in the fields, so I stopped wearing it months ago. But my toes stay pretty for as long as I want them to, and it’s a little homage to the princess I wanted to be when I was younger.”

As is usually the case, the is a Goddess of wisdom, among so many other things.

“As for you not having sex here, why do you think it’s a problem?” This is not the question I was expecting her to ask. I was prepared to answer why I haven’t, not why I think it’s an issue. She simply thinks differently than anyone I’ve ever met.

“Because it’s a Sex Collective. It’s in the name. I’m supposed to come here and fuck.” My intent was not to be this candid, but the words spilled out before I could catch them.

“Yes, I suppose it is in the name. But that doesn’t mean it’s required. It means you can if you choose. This place is more than sex. It’s about finding out who you really are. May I speak freely?” This is Sammi talking. She owns this entire thing, so the fact that she is asking to speak freely makes my cheeks flush with pink heat.


“You want to have sex, but something holds you back. You’re not confident. Tell me why.” Fuck. I don’t know how the fuck she does this.

“Because I’ve only had sex twice with the same partner.” She and Cal already know this. It’s in my file here from my application process.”

“And you are worried you aren’t going to be good at it?”


“There is no such thing as being good at sex. There are so many different ways to have sex. What matters is that you experience them and learn from them. You might not cum every time. That’s a cold, hard truth. What matters is that you give your mind and body the freedom to explore. You never know what you like and what things your partners like until you do them. I have an idea if you are willing to listen.”

Again, her name is on this property. There is no chance in hell I wouldn’t listen to her.

“Please,” My voice rattles from the frog in my throat that I can’t fully explain or hide.

“I need a volunteer for a demonstration tomorrow afternoon. It’s a great way for you to get comfortable being in front of others and experiencing new things. I know being in front of others is not a big deal to you, but are you willing to experience something new in front of them? You won’t be in control. Does that bother you?” She could be making billions as a therapist.

“What is it?”

“Answer the question first. Are you willing to be vulnerable?” That’s it. I’m afraid of being vulnerable. Son of a bitch. This stops now.


“Are you sure? I need full consent.”

“Yes, I trust you implicitly.”

“Good. Tomorrow afternoon I’m doing an anal workshop, and you are going to be my partner. I’m going to teach people, using you, everything there is to know about anal sex. How does that sound?”

I’m not sure if it’s the nerves or sexual excitement, but I’m shaking, and the heat between my legs can’t be ignored.

“It looks like that’s a yes.” Sammi smiles warmly before she and Cal leave the room without another word. Tomorrow is going to be my biggest, most challenging, and most exciting day here to date.

Sammi is going to fuck my ass.

To be continued….

Thank you for reading! Please don’t forget to click the link below to check out the Sex-Collective project. Please also highlight the hell out of this story, give it all the claps, and comment. I love reading the comments, and the interactions help us writers here now. Thank you!

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