And connected
Caring and connected A beautiful balancing act Knowing when to turn to Zen And exercising tact.
Knowing there’s a difference And that it’s a knack Subjective and objective And knowing how to react.
The devotion and emotion And telling them apart Danger in disguises And what comes from the heart.
Self-esteem is not a dream It’s there to have and hold Caring and connected Being brave and bold.
Love is like a life raft And a time to hold on Self-belief on the reef I can hear my song
The song that I am singing Deep down in my soul Is a tune like a rune These pieces make me whole.
Giving and receiving Maintaining integrity The path free of the aftermath Manifests my destiny.
Blessings are the dressings love the complete meal Being caring and connected Is the real deal.
© David Rudder 2024
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