Can’t get out of bed? Try this one thing which saved me.
Are you feeling depressed? Here’s what I found recently to have changed my life.
I do apologize for the somewhat clickbaity title but I do mean every word. If you have ever dealt with depression or are feeling sad this article is for you. I hope it can help you the way it has helped me.
For those who never had to deal with a mental illness. I understand that sometimes our problems can seem rather … in cognizable. You might say something such as, ‘Just go out’ or ‘There are kids in Africa starving’. Why can’t you appreciate how good you have it?
It’s all in your head, right? Exactly.
We can’t escape it, like a catchy song on our worse days. Our own mind betraying us. The lack of trust that comes from this is crushing. Feelings of being betrayed by yourself, by others, & by this world can have anyone unable to wear a heartfelt smile.
With no choice but to grit your teeth, bite the bullet and suffer in silence. No matter how hard you may try to dig them 6 feet under.
Deceitful thoughts you have to live with nonetheless.
But, avenues such as therapy, meditation, and what I recently found to help me tremendously, even on my worse days. That is to do something you really like.
Easy. I know. I know it’s so simple but before you click off the article. This simple revelation is something that took me 20 years to be conscious of.
A lot like dieting, just because you think you know of dieting & moderation. Does not mean you truly understand it. As you can be either overweight or unhealthy like myself. That is what I mean by my saying, I now understand this principle.
To try something you like, that you can ramble on about for hours. Effortlessly, losing yourself and immersed in the present. Now, I can already hear your inner protest. When we are despairing or feeling barren. It’s easy to say, “Well Josh, I don’t know what that is?”
I don’t have that.
Like you fairy godmother, I am here to tell you that you do. Waving my magic wand to and fro, I wondrously spawn a journal on your lap & plead with you to write down your answers to these 4 questions.
What was your favorite childhood TV show?
What was your favorite day in your childhood? What did you do?
What are your treasured activities or hobbies? Why have you stopped?
What can you talk about endlessly for hours?
By the time you reach the final question. Your brain can be running with ideas and visions of what you desire most in life. For me, it was reading about pure mathematics and racing.
It can be easy to lose sight of what we want most for ourselves. With our deceitful thoughts and life getting in the way but you will find this curious new fresh energy can completely change your attention in your day and your life. Losing yourself and your traitorous thoughts to something that gives you a vibrant look to the world. That is how we deal with our problems, focused on what makes us feel whole again. One day at a time.
Josh Rosales is a new writer and meditation coach. Writing about, “The set principles and fundamental laws that govern the nature of reality”, with story! If you are interested, please subscribe to my email list to make sure you never miss a publication. If you would like to have me write for you, please leave a comment with an email! Thank you for your time & indulgence!