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The website content discusses troubleshooting common issues when creating an Azure VM, such as unavailable image sizes, low priority errors, and capacity limitations, which are not resolved by typical quota increase requests.


The article addresses a persistent problem encountered by users trying to create Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), where no image sizes are available, and low priority VM errors occur. The author explains that these issues are not limited to free accounts, as they have experienced them while paying for Azure services. The recommended solution involves persistently requesting quota increases and asking Azure support to add specific VM sizes in desired regions. The process may require multiple attempts but can eventually lead to a resolution. The article also highlights other related errors, such as subscription limitations, capacity errors during VM deletion, and issues with deploying services like Azure Kubernetes Service due to quota limitations on low-priority cores. The author suggests trying different regions or using availability sets as potential workarounds. The article emphasizes that these errors are a bug or indicative of Azure's capacity constraints and encourages users to report these incidents to Azure.


  • The author believes that the issues with creating Azure VMs are unacceptable, particularly given the time wasted on resolving them.
  • They express frustration with Azure's support and capacity management, indicating that the problems are not isolated to free accounts.
  • The author implies that Azure's communication about these issues is insufficient, as users receive unhelpful error messages like "Failed" without clear guidance on resolution.
  • There is a suggestion that Azure's infrastructure may have underlying capacity problems, which are not adequately addressed or disclosed by Azure.
  • The author encourages users to be proactive in reporting these issues to Azure, implying that increased user feedback might lead to better service management and fewer such problems in the future.

Can’t Create an Azure VM

No image sizes, low priority, and other issues


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Update: This issue was only happening in free accounts and may have been fixed, but it wasted over a week of my time trying to build and test something for a class. Unacceptable, in my opinion. I hope this never happens again.

You might try to create an Azure VM and get this issue where no sizes are available.

A similar issue is an error related to “low priority’ VMs.

This is because Azure seems to be throttling some accounts or may be running low on capacity in general. It is not only free accounts because this happened to me when paying $100 per month for support for a few months.

Continue to repeatedly send in quota or limit increases and explain that you cannot create a VM and it is not due to a limit increase it is because you cannot create one at all. Ask for them to add all B and D (or whatever) sizes you want in the regions you plan to work in. You may have to do this a number of times before you can create a VM but eventually it should work.

Also, please clap for this blog if this happens to you.

As you can see from the screenshot below I can’t choose any image size. It took me a few weeks to get this resolved.

When clicking on See all sizes, there still are none available. For all VM sizes it says:

Size not available.

You might also see this message:

Your subscription doesn’t support virtual machine creation in [region]. Choose a different location.

Here’s another error message. For this error message, try another availability zone or select no availability zone and you might get past it.

Allocation failed. We do not have sufficient capacity for the requested VM size in this zone. 

In other cases, you might get through the whole process only to get the unhelpful error message:


You can even get capacity errors when trying to delete a VM.

Clearly this is a bug.

Here’s another error you might see related to all of this. Some services require additional resources to deploy such as Azure Kubernetes Service. You’ll need to increase your limit before you can deploy and AKS cluster in most cases.

Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved LowPriorityCores quota. 

You may get a VM to work by trying other regions, and you may be able to use an availability set because for some reason that seems to work. But you should really let Azure know this is happening if you see these errors because it is a bug or lack of capacity.

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Teri Radichel | © 2nd Sight Lab 2022

About Teri Radichel:
⭐️ Author: Cybersecurity Books
⭐️ Presentations: Presentations by Teri Radichel
⭐️ Recognition: SANS Award, AWS Security Hero, IANS Faculty
⭐️ Certifications: SANS ~ GSE 240
⭐️ Education: BA Business, Master of Software Engineering, Master of Infosec
⭐️ Company: Penetration Tests, Assessments, Phone Consulting ~ 2nd Sight Lab
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