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Can we interpret our world? (# 41)

How to save the world by Jess Liotta

This series of articles suggests that one of humanity’s roles is to describe our universe in ways that create descriptions of more complex universes. Kurt Gödel’s Impossibility Theorems prove that, in a De Sitter universe, a full mathematical system must be incomplete (see Article 4 - Could there be a logical explanation for our universe?). A mathematical description of a universe in De Sitter space can only be a subset of a larger more comprehensive mathematical system. That latter system would be mathematically more complex than the description of our universe.

One role for humankind is to discover a mathematical description of our universe. That description, however, must not be obvious otherwise the more comprehensive description would be an obvious deduction and therefore not something new. Our universe could contain hints about how to develop a mathematical description but those hints might be interpreted in many ways. We have the free will to determine how to interpret hints.

The next four articles will discuss some examples supporting the idea that our universe could have been designed so that it can be interpreted. These examples are not selected at random. The aim is to suggest our history provides hints relevant to our current circumstances. An underlying theme is that we are experiencing an existential crisis as a result of global heating. Our ancestors may also have experienced existential crises. They might have passed on hints as to how we could deal with our existential crises. These articles are based on circumstantial evidence.

Laws of physics

The origin of the laws of physics is described to provide background for the existence of very large megalithic structures on Earth. Modern scientists have not been able to explain how large-scale monuments such as the Great Pyramid at Giza were constructed with the resources and knowledge available to ancient Egyptians.

In brief, modern physicists know a vacuum in space contains energy (Zero Point Energy) but do not know how to access that energy economically. This Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is related to the ideas set out in these articles (see Article 10 - What are the origins of force fields and mass?). By accessing information encoded in ZPE, large blocks of granite might become very light and easy to move. Furthermore, large blocks of granite might be molded to fit together without leaving any space between the blocks.

Could one of the reasons for our ancestors constructing the Great Pyramid be to access the ZPE? Furthermore, could the Great Pyramid have been a weapon built to destroy a large meteor or asteroid heading to Earth.

Multiple histories

Our universe has an arrow of time. While the past appears to be fixed, there seem to be many possible futures. However, we have no way of proving that there is only one past. If the evolution of our universe is analogous to a computer simulation, our universe could be re-started at any point in time with a past configured to match current beliefs i.e. when beliefs change, the past changes. Everything in the past does not have to change; only events that would otherwise be chronologically inconsistent; an analogy is a brain acquiring false memories.

With acceptance of the idea that the past is not immutable, evolution in our universe could be similar to a game being played by two computers; the computers compete with each other to provide more convincing, more complex, explanations of life on Earth.

Scientists have provided several descriptions of our history, generally with the belief that only one of these histories could be correct. The possibility that there are multiple possible paths might explain why an ancient civilization had knowledge about the structure of the universe with that knowledge subsequently being lost. There is also the possibility that the brains of people in ancient civilizations may have functioned differently from ours e.g. due to epigenetics, especially regarding an ability to access ZPE.

Great Pyramid and Zero Point Energy

Ark of the Covenant by Ben P L

The Great Pyramid at Giza is a very large structure; its design encodes information such as the circumference of the Earth and mathematical constants in nature. How ancient people acquired the knowledge and resources to build the Great Pyramid is a mystery. The reason for building the pyramid is also a mystery.

One hypothesis is that the Great Pyramid is a way of acquiring and storing ZPE. Our ancestors may have had some forewarning that a large asteroid/meteor was going to hit Earth. The construction of the Pyramid at Giza not only enabled the collection and storage of ZPE but was also designed as a weapon to use ZPE to break up an asteroid before it reached Earth, thus reducing the asteroid’s destructive impact.

One of the ways of storing ZPE could be through instantiating information in matter. This matter could be monatomic gold or what is referred to in the Bible as mfkzt or manna. The Ark of the Covenant is reputed to have been a capacitor for storing mfkzt. Monatomic gold is a white powder that can be ingested. Some people believe that ingesting mfkzt can enhance psychic powers such as the ability to teleport objects.

Non-playing characters

We have free will to choose what we want to believe. In the absence of full information or understanding of an issue, we may rely on the opinions of others to guide us. Our universe, however, may be designed as a Generative Adversarial Network where blindly following the opinions of others is a form of self-deception.

Each of us is an observer of an avatar in a movie. Other players in our movie may be non-playing characters (NPC) or philosophical zombies. These NPCs could be programmed to respond in predetermined ways. These NPCs do not have a ‘soul’ or a witness. Each of us is being challenged to form our own beliefs, not blindly follow the opinions of others; we are being challenged to get in touch with our intuition.

There is no right or wrong action to take. Each of us has our Adjacent Possible opportunities. We have the free will to choose whether or not to explore these possibilities. The views of NPCs may be deceiving us or maybe they are providing guidance. Use your intuition to find out.

The question for this article is:

Can I access Adjacent Possible opportunities?

To view the headings of all the articles to be published in this series please click on https://michaeledalton.medium.com/orbiting-stars-and-origin-of-our-universe-338906930f51

To obtain a copy of the book ‘Orbiting Stars’ which contains the first drafts of all these articles, please visit https://www.amazon.com

Zero Point Energy
Great Pyramid
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