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The camping season has concluded for the authors as they depart from the campground ahead of its closure and inclement weather, opting to return to a travel center.


The authors have ended their camping season by leaving the campground a day before its official closure, motivated by an impending forecast of rain and the desire to avoid the rush of fellow campers departing. They had noticed the campground was still quite busy, with few vacancies, especially over the Indigenous People’s Day weekend. To prepare for their departure, they secured their newly purchased refrigerator and reorganized their belongings. After checking fluid levels, inflating tires, and warming up their vehicle, they executed a smooth departure. Now comfortably settled at a truck stop travel center, they plan to stay put until they receive more funds next week, enjoying the remaining warm and dry weather without urgency.


  • The authors prefer to avoid crowded situations, as indicated by their decision to leave the campground early.
  • They value preparedness and safety, shown by their proactive measures to secure their refrigerator and ensure their vehicle was ready for travel.
  • The authors seem to appreciate a relaxed pace of life, as they are content to stay at the travel center until financial considerations prompt their next move.
  • They have enjoyed their time camping and are looking forward to future adventures, indicating a positive outlook on their nomadic lifestyle.

Camping Season is Officially Over For Us As The Campground Closes Tomorrow

We left today and now we are back at the travel center

We decided tonight that we would beat the crowd out of the campground for tomorrow morning. When we had left, there was still a pretty full campground with only a few noticeable vacant spots now. As far as we know, the Indigenous People’s Day weekend was originally full minus the primitive tent spots. We had two neighbors next to us all weekend.

The neighbor to the right of us before we left was already gone. We also had a couple more neighbors across from us who had left earlier in the day.

The thing that made us decide to leave tonight instead of tomorrow morning was the forecast for rain in the overnight and early morning hours of tomorrow. We not only thought that it would be best to pack up and go before then but also beat out having to contend with everyone else leaving around the same time tomorrow. I think that a lot of people were starting to get the same idea.

The line for the bathroom which is normally not too bad at the campground was starting to bottleneck a little bit and we could hear people coming in and out frequently while we were taking our last campground shower of the season.

We only had a few things to address before we left tonight. We had to make sure that the new refrigerator we bought a few weeks ago would stay put so Mike spent some time drilling some large nails into the side and securing a board up against the side of the fridge after securing it with the other ropes and wires. We also shifted stuff around and moved everything that had been up and brought them down to their respective spots. We had to make sure we were ready to hit the road again.

After we checked our fluid levels, inflated our tires after sitting for most of two weeks and warming up our vehicle, we got everything secured and we were ready to go and were able to execute our plan of leaving well before we needed.

We don’t feel like we have to rush now. We are easily relaxing back at the truck stop travel center along with some snacks that we picked up at the Dollar General in town and also with some food that we had when we went into the Flying J. We are planning to sit still until we get more money next week.

We aren’t in a hurry to go anywhere fast as the weather is still warm and dry enough for us not to rush out of here. If there was snow in the forecast already, we’d be out faster than you could say the word snow. We’ve really enjoyed our time out here and now we only have about a week or so left here in Genessee County. Stay tuned for more adventures to come.

Digital Global Traveler
Travel Center
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