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"Burning Salt: A Poem" is a piece that explores themes of desire, conflict, and the complexity of human emotions through a series of vivid and intense poetic images.


The poem "Burning Salt" presents a tapestry of raw emotions and primal imagery, reflecting on the dynamics of attraction and rivalry. It opens with a reference to a lion's gaze, suggesting a fierce and focused attention. The poem progresses with lines that evoke the mood of the Gorillaz' album "Demon Days," hinting at a dark, inner struggle. The narrative voice speaks of someone disrupting their flame and fame, akin to dancing with their dinner, and frames it as a game. The poem continues with metaphors of predator and prey, master and slave, and the wilderness of the mind, alluding to a chaotic internal state. The poem also touches on the theme of entrapment, inviting someone into a personal 'noir,' and the performance of a circus, perhaps as a metaphor for life's dramas. The text references intentional accidents, blame, and a monkey motif that recurs, symbolizing restless energy or perhaps an inner critic. The speaker extends an invitation to share a smoke, suggesting a moment of camaraderie, while also acknowledging a masochistic streak. The poem concludes with a reflection on the cost of relationships and the lies we tell to maintain them, ending with the image of a maze, symbolizing the complex journey of self-discovery and the search for truth in relationships.


  • The poem conveys a sense of being watched or judged, as indicated by the line "When I’m around somebody that you like you better."
  • There is a strong sense of frustration and aggression, particularly in lines like "Fucking up my flame. And they’re bringing down my fame" and "Accidents on purpose lock n loaded taking aim."
  • The poem suggests a struggle with self-destructive behavior, as seen in the phrases "Ashing on this tree of life till I forget my name" and "Masochist behave."
  • The author appears to grapple with themes of control and power dynamics, as implied by the lines "Will you be my slave? And can you never disobey" and "What’s it cost for you to stay and me to go away?"
  • The recurring monkey imagery could symbolize playful yet chaotic energy, as well as the idea of imitation or the performance of roles in life.
  • The poem reflects on the duality of love and hate within relationships, stating "Poetry ballet (I love my lover and I hate)" and acknowledges the complexity of emotions with "Lying to my face; you said you’re happy but you ain’t."
  • The final image of a maze suggests a feeling of being lost or trapped in one's thoughts and emotions, emphasizing the intricate and often confusing nature of human connections.
Photo by Paul Schafer on Unsplash

Burning Salt: A Poem

…Lion Gaze

When I’m around somebody that you like you better (p r a y)

Sketching my dark phantasy gorillaz demon days.

Extendo invitation to your window monkey spray

Fucking up my flame. And they’re bringing down my fame

Dancing with my dinner; you can go and call it game.

Glancing @ my arrow I’m an apex and you’re prey

Will you be my slave? And can you never disobey

Wilderness disorder stress traumatic posting


Enter my NOIR (m a z e).

I just gave you what you wanted — circus du soleil

Accidents on purpose lock n loaded taking aim

Who’s to fucking blame? (the water now flakes and my fingers now ache)

Temper monkey dancing. And my temper monkey sway

Come n smoke with brother born in the month of May

Ashing on this tree of life till I forget my name

Have you seen my face? Masochist behave.

What’s it cost for you to stay and me to go away?

Poetry ballet (I love my lover and I hate)

Lying to my face; you said you’re happy but you ain’t.


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