

Brilliant, Haunting Theatre

Catherine Tate Shines

Me meeting Catherine Tate again. Author’s photo.

I am a massive West End theatre fan and missed watching shows during the Covid period. Now I am back in the swing of things and absolutely loving live theatre once more.

This week I was pleased to go to one of the West End’s smallest theatres to see a version of ‘The Enfield Haunting.’

My Thoughts

I knew that the Enfield Hauntings were a News event in 1977, just before I was born. It was intriguing to see how the writer, Paul Unwin, decided to represent such a chilling story of a family affected by a poltergeist.

I was not disappointed.

Peggy was played by the incredibly funny Catherine Tate. In this production she combined moments of real drama and sadness with occasional one liners. She was a superb fit for this role and was supported by ‘Shameless’ actor David Threlfall as Maurice, a supernatural investigator.

On this occasion the play was just 75 minutes but this length felt appropriate and satisfying.

Peggy had two daughters and one son, with an ex-husband lurking in the background. Holding her household together, she had enough on her plate, without all the media coverage about her potentially haunted home.

All of the children were played well. A feisty daughter was matched by one who played possesed very well indeed.

The script was a mix of poignant, sharp and funny. Special effects were used for the haunted moment and the pitch black theatre really drew the audience in.

In A Nutshell

This was one of the best theatre shows I have seen in ages. I tend to watch a range of musicals and dramas but this one really performed well.

A highlight for me was getting to meet Catherine Tate again. She was lovely and we recalled the last time I met her when George Michael also came out of the stage door. She told me that he had been late and they had to hold the curtain for him that night in 2008.

If you get to see one show in London this winter, I would definitely suggest checking out ‘The Enfield Haunting.’

West End
Catherine Tate
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