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Break Down or Break Open

Choosing Our Response to Challenges

Photo by Engin Akyurt: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-sitting-in-front-of-body-of-water-2174625/

Facing adversity is an unfortunate yet inevitable part of the human experience.

At some point we all go through difficult times. Whether it’s the ending of an important relationship, losing a job, or grieving a loved one, each of us will face some level of hardship in our life.

When these challenges come, we are faced with two options: break-down or break-open. Fall into the pits of despair, or rise to a new level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

While we cannot control everything that happens to us in our life, we can control how we respond to them. There’s an empowerment that comes from taking responsibility for your response to adversity and taking accountability for the emotions that follow.

Breaking Down: The Comfort of Despair

Kurt Cobain from Nirvana has a song called, “Frances Farmer Will Haver Her Revenge on Seattle’. In this song he sings, ‘I miss the comfort in being sad’.

He was right. Dark emotions, despite being feared and unwelcome, often welcome us with open arms. The heaviness is a complex comfort, as the weight of these emotions hold us together, and we know that in order to leave their grip we must leave pieces of ourself with them.

Despair, with its familiarity and predictability, provides a sense of stability in a world marked by uncertainty and change. It becomes a known entity in the chaos of existence, and in its consistency, it ironically offers a semblance of control in a world that is uncontrollable.

The allure of despair stems from the avoidance of vulnerability. Remaining in a state of despair provides us a shield, protecting us from the uncertainty of opening up, trusting, and hoping. The fear of potential heartbreak or disappointment guides us back to the comfort of despair as a means of safeguarding us from being hurt.

In the absence of hope, expectations are minimised, and the emotional toll of potential let downs are avoided. The comfort of despair lies not in its inherent positivity, but in its ability to protect you from vulnerabilities within the pursuit of positivity.

Breaking Open: Embracing Your True Self

The choice to break-open means peeling back the layers to reveal your true self, embracing your fears and vulnerabilities, and paving your own path that prioritises remaining true to yourself at all costs.

Detaching from the grip of despair and taking ownership for how you move-on, is a transformative perspective that invites you to see challenges not as obstacles, but rather as opportunities for personal growth. At its core, this mindset highlights the importance of resilience — the ability to bounce-back from adversity, to adapt, and emerge stronger than before.

When you break-open, challenges cease to be roadblocks and, instead, they become stepping stones in your road to self-discovery and personal development.

A failed project becomes a lesson in perseverance, a broken relationship an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. Each challenge, when faced with this mindset, becomes an opportunity for personal development, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and the world.

This perspective isn’t about denying the difficulties life throws our way; it’s about approaching them with an open heart and soul. It’s an acknowledgment that growth arises from discomfort, and that by breaking-open in the face of challenges, you can find strength and resilience you might not have known existed.

Embracing your true self through acceptance and resilience will turn obstacles into stepping stones, guiding you to a more empowered self.

Choosing Your Response

While we can’t always control the situations we face, we do have agency in shaping our experiences. In the face of adversity, we have the power to decide how we respond, influencing not only the immediate outcome but also our long-term well-being.

Choosing how you respond means acknowledging our reactions are not pre-determined, rather they are the choices we make.

As we reflect on the significance of our reactions, the importance of resilience becomes evident. It is the foundation in which we can weather life’s storms, emerging stronger and more adaptable. This doesn’t mean denying the difficulty of challenges, but confronting them with a mindset that views adversity as an opportunity for growth.

In essence, choosing your response is a narrative of empowerment — the belief that in every challenge lies the potential to transform. It’s a profound understanding that the power to shape our journey lies within us.

Personal Development
Self Improvement
Emotional Intelligence
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