

Bogdan Mtn — An Introduction About Me

Former bartender, now freelance writer from Europe

Bogdan Munteanu

Hi there! My name is Bogdan, and I am a freelance writer. I love to get my hands on a keyboard any time I can. I was a bartender for many years, so writing was not at all on the agenda.

I am funny, at least that’s what I heard, romantic or at least that’s what my girlfriend says about me, bubbly, sensitive, and shy. I was working as a bartender for 12 years and as a manager for 3 years. Unfortunately, I am currently out of job but trying to change and renew my career that is why I have started writing here on Medium.

My last job as a bartender where I become a bar manager was in England. I became the best bartender in that area after 3 years which made that the best period of my life in achieving my goal: No1 bartender in a foreign city and bar manager.

I do love animals, especially my dog and my cats about which I wrote articles. I attach the links here and I hope you will read and appreciate them. Thanks!

My crazy-fluffy cats: Blu & Lun. Did you ever think that was possible for a… | by Bogdan Munteanu | Alternative Perspectives | Jan 2022 | Medium

Daisy: “Kevin McCallister” among dogs! | by Bogdan Munteanu | New Writers Welcome | Jan, 2022 | Medium

Because I’m getting older, I’ve already reached the age of 30, I want to change my job, that’s why I hope to become a top writer, as good as I was as a bartender. I hope that this will happen one day, becoming a top writer on the Medium platform, hopefully! Dream big, work hard!

On Medium, I’ve tried to address all kinds of topics for all types of people who will access my profile. In principle, I wrote a lot about cryptocurrencies, metaverse, love, and relationships. So far I have 3 badges: finance, startup, and investing.

I did not expect to have almost 800 followers after two months. On this occasion, I want to thank all those who helped me, those who clapped, who read my articles, who gave me advice, who guided and supported me to keep doing this. Thanks a lot!

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Don’t forget to check out my other stories, maybe you will find something interesting, who knows?

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