avatarJulie Handy


Blushing Bride to Betroth Belgian Bachelor

Photo by Aaron Bond on Unsplash

Or coming up with A+ Titles

Talking with a friend the other day, she had found a home for her beloved dog Bella, as she had struggled to care for her. The family was perfect and also had a relative with a male dog that loved playing with Bella.

I said Blushing Bride to Betroth Belgian Bachelor.

Both were German Shepard and the male a Belgian Shepard.

Titles are not so easy for me to come up with. This one was. Perhaps because there was no pressure. It was just for fun.

So I’ve decided to add fun to an essay as an integral component in order to make it speak to the heart of the matter and make it more enjoyable. Instead of a homework assignment or frantic deadline.

Reading your written essay and analyzing is key. I rush this sometimes, so paying attention as you write to the core mission of the article, what you are saying is of note.

The bottom line of your message is usually the title.

This is a great service to your reader, in saving their valuable time, and cutting any unnecessary fluff.

To make sure your essay/article is the perfect match for your reader, and to define precisely what you’re writing is about.

And after all a title is as important as a wedding announcement. Each essay and article a piece of work you’ve constructed with all of your skills and personality. You are wedded to yourself as a writer and your audience as a loyal storyteller.

A gifted person who is able to bring the goods with joy and happiness.

To find an audience for yourself and your writing. This embodies each title. Which sounds like pressure, but it doesn’t have to be so.

Just find and keep the joy in your message. A wrapped up gift to present to your audience.

And in the end what you give is what you get and the truth is in the bottom line, and in the title.

2023 All Rights Reserved Julie Handy

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