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This webpage contains a poem titled "Bluer Than Midnight" by Claudia, accompanied by images and embedded YouTube videos, and a recommendation for an AI service.


The webpage presents a poem titled "Bluer Than Midnight" by Claudia, which explores themes of love, sentiments, and nature. The poem is divided into several stanzas, each starting with an ellipsis, and describes the depth of love, its hidden sentiments, and its comparison to elements of nature such as the morning sun, wildflowers, and midnight. The poem is followed by a link to another article titled "Poetic Essences" and two embedded YouTube videos. The webpage concludes with an image, a note of thanks, and a recommendation for an AI service that offers similar performance to ChatGPT Plus(GPT-4) but at a more affordable price.

Bullet points

  • The webpage contains a poem titled "Bluer Than Midnight" by Claudia.
  • The poem explores themes of love, sentiments, and nature.
  • The poem is divided into several stanzas, each starting with an ellipsis.
  • The poem compares love to elements of nature such as the morning sun, wildflowers, and midnight.
  • The webpage includes a link to another article titled "Poetic Essences".
  • The webpage includes two embedded YouTube videos.
  • The webpage concludes with a note of thanks and a recommendation for an AI service.
  • The recommended AI service offers similar performance to ChatGPT Plus(GPT-4) but at a more affordable price.

Happy Exploring.📖🌞

Bluer Than Midnight

🌹 poetic hidden sentiments 🌹

…the morning sun, with its scintillating warmth, embraced me to feel the deep touch of your love

…your love, emanating the wildflowers’ scent and the mysterious compliments of some hidden sentiments

…sentiments, personified in homonyms and arguments, — love is stronger than death and much bluer than midnight

…midnight, — where the longing plants the romantic dreams, enough to forgive ourselves as we forgive the lack of a kiss

…kiss, with specks of stardust on the lips, — mine and yours, like the morning sun with its shimmering warmth

©️ Claudia

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Un P’tit Je Ne Sais Quoi 🫦 Bohéme
Poetic Essences
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