Birthday Surprise
Getting in touch with Nature
Today’s daily word is cot.
Drabbles are 100-word stories. Readers must stay on the page for thirty seconds if the stories are counted as read. Your highlights, claps, and comments are always appreciated.
Hey, Jade. We’re here. Look at the lake! Look at that camping spot under the trees. What a view! I’ve planned the perfect birthday weekend for you. No more telling me I always have my head in the clouds.
Let’s get the stuff unloaded.
Look at my list. I checked it twice.
Bag of snacks, bottles of wine, corkscrew (see I told you I’m on this), plastic wine glasses, two coolers filled with food, water bottles, a cot for each of us, cards, sleeping bags. Charcoal, lighter. Even ponchos for us in case of rain.
What did you say? Tent?