avatarJames G Brennan



Bio For Illumination

Some Words and a Tanka from a Real-Life Beach Bum

Photo Sarah Mathews

After such a long hiatus from writing, here I find myself back in the throws of opportunity and loving It! Finding Medium has been a lifeline and writing alongside such talents in Illumination is a blessing and an honour. With that, Thank you Dr Mehmet Yildiz and the Illumination team for welcoming me here, and of course, all of you who give support and encouragement. I am made up! Jxx

I first started writing A kind of book of words, Explorations. ( Calming The Storm In A Young Mans Mind. ) Thirty years ago in 1990. over the period of a month when I was 24 and going through a hard time mentally. Possibly fending off some sort of break down as I tended to go through periods of extreme lows where I would be quiet for days on end. ( My then Wife found herself, unfortunately, suffering through these times.) These writings helped as if some kind of release from a troubled mind, also conversations with my brother in law at the time who was more anxious than myself.

Cover Art. Greg Rakozy

I shall put some of the Poems / Prowse up sometime. Thank you for taking the time to read this fumbled together bio. Here’s the rest in Tanka to keep it short.

Asthma from young age Not so easy growing up Many days no school From big Irish family Happy to be leaving school

Jobs so hard to find Carpenter money so poor Become steel roofer All this time my passion drums Play hard play loud A-N-I-M-A-L

Living in small town Wasted opportunity Music friends let down Time to move to London town Drum tech, no more time to play.

Work touring the world Seeing so much I am blessed Tinnitus my curse My life blessed I will not take South Thailand is now my home.

We now have COVID Can use my time, write again Work will come later Happy I find Medium And find Illumination!

Thank you for reading. J.

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