

Beware of “Normal”

Tips on how to be extraordinary

Normal — Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

Discard the concept of “normal.” The line is thin between an eccentric and an extraordinary person, a visionary, an unconventional thinker, or an artist.

The normal person is often unfulfilled because he/she is often a prisoner of ordinary social norms. I define an extraordinary person as one who consciously acts out general social norms when appropriate and never does so habitually.

This extraordinary person can change his/her behavior to match changes in these social norms if it serves his/her actualization process. These Extraordinary businesspeople are concerned with moral or ethical dilemmas and examine the meaning of their lives, and the reason they have chosen the business they are in.

Anyone has the potential to be extraordinary but it is more involved than just saying “I want to be extraordinary.” All businesses are built on myths and success stories. Yet many of us create a business story that has no basis in fact or any functional reality. We say we are “committed” to creating great products or services while in fact, we are lying to ourselves and everyone around us. What is the solution to this pattern? The key is to be aware and conscious so one can live a great life.

A defining factor that each of us can use to live our best life is recognizing that we each deserve love and respect. This can manifest in many forms but on a basic level, it means communicating your needs and surrounding yourself with people who are kind, loving, nurturing, and supportive. This is the path of the extraordinary person, a path of openness, clarity of thought, and clear intention. This individual often has an aura of spirituality about them that transcends attachment to religious hierarchies, rites, rituals, and ceremonies. This individual appreciates the sacred but it is a form of the sacred that is free of dogma. The extraordinary individual often commits to creating abundance, love, and respect in his or her life, and often experiences wonderful and fulfilling events. These often seem to happen spontaneously. This will happen for you especially if you are willing to surrender deep-rooted emotionally-based resistance, cellular memory, and what Eckhart Tolle calls the “Pain Body” and allow abundance into your life. The extraordinary person still encounters obstacles as any of us will but despite this, they live life as best as they can.

Either you keep moving or just sit quietly, consciously watching the process unfold. The former requires a sense of momentum and keeping the ability to maintain the rhythm of that momentum. To transcend all this action is a skill nurtured by the Wisdom Path.

What does it mean to be normal? What seems normal to the individual who does not think about who they are, and where they are? It does not feel normal to the individual who is driven on every level of their being to ask this question.

There is a very thin line between normal, ordinary, and extraordinary; between a day-dreamer or visionary; sanity and insanity, genius and delusion. The extraordinary person is anything but normal. This person exists in a floating, ever-changing reality. Some individuals have a hunger even in the most ordinary of situations to connect with “extraordinary” people. How does one transcend “normal?” Before having full awareness, an extraordinary individual may accept an ordinary life but intuitively will feel out of place. If you are extraordinary, you are likely to feel that there is something unbalanced in what most others accept as normal. The more aware you become, the more you may find yourself suffering physically, mentally, and emotionally until you have an understanding of what it means to be extraordinary. As you become more aware of what it means to be the new skin of the extraordinary, you will feel as if you are shedding the skin of the ordinary for the skin of the extraordinary.

In this process, you cannot seize the extraordinary but rather must embrace it. One does not own this state but rather communes with it. Cross into that extraordinary you will feel chastened and exalted. More than anything else the extraordinary business thinker can create extraordinary products and services and truly make a difference in the world.

Some individuals are contrarians. They naturally rebel against the “so-called normal.” To ordinary individuals, these contrarians just seem strange. Some contrarians, who cannot find their personal “center,” live in a state that borders on madness. I know visionaries who were told they had ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, or some other disease. They had none of these conditions. They simply had no patience for the ordinary.

The Takeaway

The dark side of the visionary process is that the extraordinary person may lose touch with their purpose and the meaning of existence. This can lead to a slide into psychosis and its many dimensions — self-reproach, isolation, paranoia, and guilt. There are many ways to avoid this fate. Walking the Wisdom Path, practicing Chop Wood- Carry Water (doing what needs to be done), regular Mindful Meditation, and joining a Monastery of the Social Network are things one can do. These practices will help you to understand that no matter how extraordinary you may be, and how limiting ordinary reality may seem, one must still have one’s safety and survival needs fulfilled to live an extraordinary life.

This story is an excerpt from my course “How to Become Really Wealthy”

©Lewis Harrison, all rights reserved.

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Before you go…

I am Lewis Harrison, a successful entrepreneur, and advisor to philanthropists. I am also the award-winning author of over twenty books on business, leadership, personal growth, and strategic thinking. I offer programs, courses, and coaching. I also teach seminars and speak on personal development and life strategies. Reach out to me at askLewis.com

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