

Best Travel Hacks for A Weekend Winter Getaway

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Sometimes it’s fun to just get away. Taking an escape from the daily mundane of life could make for good stories and good memories in the future. You get a change of scenery, try food different from home and you get to take great travel pictures in front of memorable landmarks. You don’t even have to make it a month-long trip, it can be three or four days in a new place you have never been to before. You can try it out just to say that you have been there as part of your bucket list.

As a Floridian, our winters are warmer than the usual climate in North America. I’m not used to wearing heavy coats but the usual light sweater and sandals are enough to keep me warm on a winter’s day. I recently took a trip to Kentucky with my friend this new year’s and she is an expert in budget travel. I’ve learned a few things from her over the years and have thought about a few great travel hacks you might love. So here are a few travel hacks you can enjoy on a weekend winter getaway.

Pack light

Since we were going to be out for a few days we forwent the expensive carry-on luggage and went for the handheld luggage, which was my backpack. We packed light for the next few days including one sweater, a couple of shirts, one pair of jeans, socks, underwear, and the shoes on our feet. We left space for any souvenirs we would bring back but we didn’t expect to bring back a whole store with us so it was fun to find small momentos of the places we went to bring back home with us.

Pack snacks

We imagined we would buy small groceries for the few days we were there but the food is expensive and we brought snacks from home to keep the munchies away. We enjoyed both salty and sweet snacks to keep our cravings at bay until we got some bread, ham, cheese, and eggs to make sandwiches when we got hungry in our Air BnB and wanted to make breakfast before our morning adventures. It all worked out pretty good and we had more than enough for the few days we were out.

Find free things to do

Travel expenses can add up when you want to explore a new city. There is so much to do like visit museums and other tourists attractions that cost money at the admission entrance. However, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to sightsee. You can go on google and search the place you want to visit and type free things to do near me. You will get a list of great places to explore all for free and see more than just the tourist destination of the towns you want to visit because the suggestions are pretty detailed.

Rent a car

As we explored Kentucky, we used Uber to get around town. It was pretty convenient since we didn’t have to drive but the costs added up each time we asked for a Uber to take us around town. It is probably best to invest in renting a car for a few days while you get away because you are in control of leaving when you would like to. You would definitely save on Uber drives and can use the money to go to a destination you would enjoy that might be a little pricier.

Book an Air Bnb to travel like a local

Traveling like a local is a great way of getting to know a town outside of the general tourists' attractions. You get to mingle with the locals, see what they see, and enjoy the town at your own pace. Booking an Air Bnb in town would give you the privacy you need to leave when you would like to explore the town on foot. Our Air Bnb in Lexington was so close to the town’s center we could literally walk downtown to see the sights and enjoyed the shops and historical neighborhoods that the town had to offer.

So there you have it, a few travel hacks to help you enjoy your winter weekend getaway. It’s fun to escape the usual scenery of your hometown for a little while to see something different and enjoy life somewhere else for a little while. You don’t even have to spend a lot to get away but you can enjoy these travel hacks to help you travel like a local and see the town at your own pace. These are just a few suggestions to help get your thought process going when it comes to a quick getaway and I hope you enjoyed it.

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