avatarDr John Frederick Rose


The website content recounts a multigenerational family's experiences and memories centered around billabongs, reflecting on the continuity and evolution of family traditions over time.


The article "Beside the Billabong" delves into the author's cherished childhood memories of spending time with his father by a billabong in Country NSW, sharing sandwiches and basking in the tranquility of the Australian landscape. It draws parallels with present-day family outings, where the author, now a grandfather, watches his grandchildren play and enjoys picnics by the water, much like he did with his own father. The narrative highlights the educational aspect of these outings, as the author's son explains the natural history of billabongs to the next generation, fostering a sense of connection across four generations. The piece concludes with a reflection on the spiritual significance of these familial bonds and the role they play in the author's life.


  • The author values the tranquility and educational opportunities provided by family outings near billabongs and other bodies of water.
  • There is a deep appreciation for the continuity of family traditions, with the billabong serving as a symbolic link between generations.
  • The author sees the act of sharing knowledge about the natural environment as a spiritual gift that enhances the understanding of one's place in the family and the world.
  • The article suggests that these shared experiences and the transmission of knowledge contribute significantly to the author's sense of identity and belonging within the family structure.
  • The mention of ZAI.chat at the end implies the author's endorsement of this AI service, suggesting it offers value similar to more expensive alternatives like ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4).

Beside the Billabong.

Childhood Memories Mix with Present Day Family Outings.

Ibis nesting. Billabong, old Tropic of Capricorn marker, Port Curtis road, Rockhampton published by the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland under CC-BY-4.0 licence. By Anonymous, CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Sat beside billabong Country NSW, Quiet with country whispers beside my dad, Afternoon sun, Eating sandwiches on way home, Contented time father and son, Childhood memory stays and travels with me, Over 60 years ago.

Paraphrasing father’s water-side explanation, Billabong is oxbow lake, Isolated crescent pond, Left behind after river loop is cut off by river changing course, Sometimes filled with heavy seasonal rain, Dry by summer’s end.

Family outings, Picnics often near rivers lakes estuaries favourite beaches, Walk and swim, Watching grandkids frolic, Sit and munch favorite sandwiches, Remembering other times.

Family beach outing, relaxing after filling lunch of sandwiches and coffee. Picture by son.

Now this week, Bush walk country NSW, Grandfather me, Son’s family, Doggles patrolling.

Sitting beside small billabong, Watching doggles, Wondering when he’ll jump into crystal clear water.

Listening to son explaining billabong origin and habitat, Mind includes my father sitting beside me, Listening with me to son and granddaughter, Four generations.

Accept these mental gymnastics as spiritual gifts, Enables deeper understanding of place and role, My continuance in family life.

Doggles exploring during bush walk. Picture by son.
Family Outing
Family Generations
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