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Being Out And About And Why You Should If You Are A Writer. . .

Any creative. You have to experience it.

Photo by Bárbara Fróes on Unsplash

Writers, painters, illustrators, singers, and musicians; all need stimulation in order to touch the muse.

I wish I was great in at least one of those. I can’t see it if I am. It is really difficult to step back and see your creativity.

When I read old poems and articles that I have written, I say to myself, “I did that?” or “Where did that come from?” I surprised myself but others can see it. At least the ones that matter can.

You have to experience life in order to be creative. You should get out; ride the bus, drive to a park or mall; walk over to the beach; or ride a bike. If you are a spectator, that is fine. If you want to get involved, that is fine as well.

My dearest friend tells me this all the time when I get stuck. Do I listen? No. Why? Lack of money and transportation is my reason. But there are still ways. Do I feel guilty that I don’t do something about it, yes.

My excuse also is “I’m 72, what haven’t I seen?” I read a lot and watch TV. I get ideas from stories on the tube. What is wrong with that? You can get just so much and then you space out. The commercials get our attention stuck.

Well, I know one thing, I just broke out in a cold sweat; late stages of menopause, I guess. (Hormones, be glad you have some.) Another story idea!

But, don’t do what I do; get out and about. Your brain will thank you. You will have so many thoughts and ideas and be unable to get them all down. You have to have stimulation to bring it to paper or canvas. Life is out there so grab it. You might not get another chance.

Jo Ann Harris is an author, parent, book devotee, writer, copywriter, and film fanatic. She is an autodidact who learns about everything and rows her own boat. She grew up and worked in Atlanta, Georgia, and lived there for sixty years. She writes articles about love, hope, personal life stories, advice, and poems. She is a published author with an article in Woman’s World magazine in October 2017.

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