avatarKiana Curtis


Being Organized is the Secret Key to Success

Alright everybody, lean in close.

Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

I’m about to drop a bombshell that just might make your jaw fall to the floor.

Or, at the very least, make you rethink those $999 courses you’ve been thinking about signing up for.

Are you ready?

Here it is.

Being organized is the key to success.

There, I said it.

And I can almost hear the collective gasps of all the self-proclaimed gurus and life coaches reading this right now.

“But what about my 10-step program to ultimate success that confuses people and leads them nowhere”?

Sorry friend, it’s not that complicated.

Now I know what you’re thinking.

“Being organized? You think that’s all it takes?”

Yep, I sure do.

We’ve all been bamboozled by these “experts” for years.

I know I am very guilty of this.

Hopelessly chasing after the next shiny object, hoping it’s the magic bullet to solving all of our problems and finally making us rich.

Let’s take a time out and use common sense for a minute.

Having a well-thought-out plan and the ability to execute it is literally all you need to get ahead in life.

There’s no need to sign up for 100 fancy apps, stay up in the middle of the night Youtubing the latest productivity hack, and certainly no need for a $999 course or Himalayan retreat to “find yourself.”

Just get organized, create some systems, and execute.


Now, I’m definitely not saying there’s no value in learning from others.

I think everyone has something unique and different to bring to the table where we’re all capable of learning from one another.

However, here’s the kicker.

Everyone’s formula is different!

What works for me might be an absolute shit show for you. And vice versa.

So, why do we waste so much time trying to fit into someone else’s box?

Personally, I blame corporate America for this.

But that’s a topic for another day.

We’re constantly bombarded with messages like “use this because it’s the next best thing” or “try that because it’ll solve *insert problem here*”.

And sure, some of these tools and methods are helpful.

But more often than not, they’re just distractions from us figuring out what really works.

Instead of spending hours, days, or even years trying to copy someone else’s system, why not invest that time in developing your own?

Figure out what makes you tick. Understand your strengths, acknowledge your weaknesses, and build a system that complements both.

So, here’s the real tea.

If you’re searching for the secret sauce to success, it’s not hidden in some ancient manuscript or the depths of the internet.

It’s right there, within YOU.

Self Improvement
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