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The article emphasizes that happiness is a deliberate and internal state that one must actively cultivate rather than something that happens by chance or solely through external circumstances.


The article delves into the philosophy of happiness, suggesting that it is not a random occurrence but a conscious choice and a skill that can be developed. It references wisdom from Jim Rohn, who encourages individuals to find joy in what they already possess while striving for more. Rohn's insights include the notion that happiness is something to be designed and nurtured from within, and that it can coexist with the pursuit of other life goals. The author acknowledges that while external events can challenge one's happiness, the ultimate choice to be happy remains with the individual. The article serves as a reminder that happiness is an internal resource that can be accessed and cultivated, and it encourages readers to embrace happiness in the present moment rather than deferring it to the future.


  • Happiness is not solely dependent on external factors such as wealth; it is an art of finding joy in one's current situation.
  • True happiness is a result of internal work and cannot be entirely derived from external sources or relationships.
  • It is important to actively pursue happiness in the present rather than waiting for future circumstances to bring it.
  • Challenges and sadness may be temporary, but the choice to return to a state of happiness is always available.
  • Personal growth and the improvement of one's skills, such as writing, can contribute to one's overall happiness and life satisfaction.

Being happy doesn’t happen by accident…

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

If a close friend or family member were to describe you, would they use the word “happy?” I’m sure my family and people who know me well wouldn’t say I’m “sad,” but the word “happy” probably wouldn’t be the first word they’d use.

I’ve been reading a lot about emotions and happiness lately, and I came across half a dozen points of wisdom concerning happiness from one of my favorite philosophers, Jim Rohn:

“Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all you want.”

“Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design.”

“How sad to see someone with money and no joy. They studied economics, but they never studied happiness.”

“The greatest source of unhappiness comes from inside.”

“Happiness is the art of learning how to get joy from your substance.”

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.”

Of course, there are going to be circumstances beyond your control that will challenge you with choosing to be happy. And they may be such severe challenges that you are sad for a season.

But eventually, you’ll come to a crossroads where the choice to be happy again presents itself. Perhaps reading this article is that crossroads for you. I hope you’ll read Jim Rohn’s quotes again and again when you feel your feelings of happiness starting to fade.

Remember, if you’re waiting for someone to come alongside you and make you happy, ask yourself this question, “What if they don’t show up?”

Happiness is already inside you. Let it shine through.

If you liked the Jim Rohn quotes concerning happiness, you’ll probably love this article I wrote a short while back that can help you not only improve your writing skills but help you become the best version of yourself:

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