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Being A Bad Ass Superhero

The Psychological War: How to be The SuperHero You Were Meant To Be.

How I Recently Realized We Are All Superheroes, And we are under attack psychologically.

Photo By Author

Welcome To Your Superhero Debriefing!

So, many people don’t see you to be a hero , that isn’t your fault. Most of the time people don’t have the capacity to constantly be one. There comes a point when you get tired of the judging, and trying to fit in and be normal.

Aren’t you tired of feeling like the black sheep, crying because you aren’t understood by your effortless actions just to save this person from danger? As a superhero, you have to realize sometimes only certain things you can see. That’s why we are here, so you can realize who you are and your powers.

Have you heard of the word delusion? If not look it up and tell me, don’t you think there are people in the world who wouldn’t use such a weapon? Casting plots to make people think this the way life is, only to truly find out that it’s NOT!

Lesson 1: Having Faith And Staying True To Self

Lesson 1 as a mighty hero is to stay true to yourself and have faith in what you’re doing. This is golden above the rest because we all experience shit. Yes, we all do in our own lives day by day that can be very distracting. Knocking us off course, but at the end of the day we have to get up.

Compared to the legends and all the heroes you know, they never give up. Even when they are thinking about it, something reminds them of who they are. That relentlessness is such a power we all have. Do we really always need a why as entities to be awesome?

Lesson 2: Know what the hell you are doing out there(the world)

Now we know who we are. It’s time to see what you can do! When it comes to psychological warfare that the enemy does use, you would like to know you have an arsenal to go against it.





Learning different perceptions



Emotional & Mental control

With these abilities mastered for they are skills that can be learned, we can battle the enemy’s delusional tactics. Everything we learn as a superhero is to battle the enemy.

Which is our own self! That’s true because think about it, a lot of unnecessary things can happen and grab your attention. Now, you aren’t doing what you need to do for your level ups.

Staying true will be focusing of course! Being on too of the things you need to do, you can soon enough stay and be the hero you want to be. Mastering this leads to the highest integrity.

Lesson 3: Family And Love Is Your Primary Weapon

When we usually start something, it’s because we want to be better. We all have a reason for wanting to level up. Our reason is only because of our why’s. The “why” and reason is our family. The power of that is our love for our family. This causes us to push for greater things just to provide, or protect them.

Without love for ourselves or our loved ones, we will be so weak. As a superhero, this is always our core faith, love. You can’t be you, or call yourself a hero without love. Biggest weapon to escape delusional, if you ever feel you are caught in one. You may feel like you are on the wrong path. That is the delusion! Beware! Quickly act in love for yourself and your loved ones to escape it.

Lesson 4: Never Give Up and Living with Purpose

So! Being that this is the final lesson and, most importantly, pay attention! I cannot stress how important as a superhero hero important not giving up is. Your power-up is always coming in your worst moments. Just as stated above with the previous lessons, never forget your training.

Yeah, things may seem grim and you are getting your ass kicked by life but it’s only temporary. By utilizing the previous training, nothing will phase you. Having a purpose stops all of that. This will be your content focus and shield against delusion.

The purpose is your savior against delusion because you won’t be stagnant. You won’t be pulled every which way. The thing about the matrix our enemy, is that it can use life to pull you every which way and make small stuff seem important. There for distracting you and before you know it, you realize it all too late.

Now you are suffering, unhappy, in a situation you don’t want to be in. A superhero who is focusing on their purpose and living their purpose can’t be distracted by the delusion. So you see the matrix can use anything to distract you. Being able to see what is is vital, and your only weapon in life.

Mission Briefing Ending comments

Thank you for attending the briefing, you all have been great. Get your butts out there, live, and be what you were destined to be. Some of you may be saving people daily, educating people daily, and in your way of course. Do the good you internally want to do. Be the superhero you are! I have equipped you with all the knowledge you need. Make me proud!

Self Improvement
Mental Health
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