avatarJanet Ridsdale


Behind The Curtain

Insider tips.

Image Created by the Minimalist Side Hustles Editor with Canva Pro

Writing as a side hustle is very rewarding

5 Practical tips

  • There are no magic bullets!
  • It takes time to build a side hustle.
  • Consistently write, whether you feel like it or not.
  • The correct mindset is crucial.
  • Commit!

Realistic level you are able to play

  • At this moment.
  • With the knowledge you have.
  • Time you have for your side hustle.

Once level established:

  • Write, and write some more.
  • Engage on other writers’ posts.
  • Building relationships in the community is key.
  • 90-day blocks — look at the data and assess your progress.
  • Do not reinvent the wheel — learn from other writers who are just a few steps ahead and some writers with large established audiences. You will learn lessons from both categories of writers.
  • Iterate — based on your data — adjust if needed.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Strive to be just 1% better each day and the compounding effect will kick in when you least expect it!

It will seem as though nothing is happening for months at a time,and then one day it all starts to happen at once.

Additional insider information: Rewire Your Brain For A Better Life

Until next time …

Be Well

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