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Becoming Irreplaceable with The Nicheless Approach for 2024.

Your Super Power = Beliefs you have that others would consider extreme or offensive. (Craft with it and share it) (Be the Nicheless self)

Image By Paul Basel on pexels.com

For the past 2 weeks, I have canceled my own imagination on how fast growth can be on Medium. Yet, I have just broke my own record again of earning $27.78 for day 1 of my last post.

Story stats of a post on 2am EST.

I would not of happen, if it wasn’t foresee for just a split second.

No one want to compete with prime thinking, as they are so profound that you are asking how can I change the world around, they are thinking the world has changed what application I can install to shape the world into their favorite or put the payment gateway right in front of the next trending pathway.

You are your own enemy. (Restrict the limit self)

Without continuation of attention, creative writing means no more than an abstract of thoughts on paper. (it can’t value)

Ask yourself and take control of your focus.

To be crazy you need extreme first, to be a new writer in 2024 you need to be selling the thoughts of your thoughts and the you that never mean to be shared. (what makes other think you are extreme or offensive, but feel normal to you is your Super Power) A Question Mentioned by Dan Koe.

Have you even questioned why you have the interests you have? was it always that way and since when did you realize it was something you enjoy doing or have a habits of such activities?

To answer these questions I would ask myself did I believe what I believe in and do I still believe them? (sometimes interest, hobby(leisure interest) and habits are hard to differentiate, which cause a conclusion to fall into “I feel like it” trap that is in plain sight yet we can merely sense it, as our ego has blanket over these 3 pillars.)

Just when you thought getting started in writing was the hardest part. Yet, wait till you publish your post on Medium.

My last 13 post, where I build to service myself in mind that the audience would value only if it works.

During this process, I get to know my self better and can see the direction I’m working towards, while by passing all the noise and solve for actual issue that other cares about.

Are you having pain while trying to pick a niche? That is because Niche down means slow down.

If you have to second thought the niche then it is not yours yet.

All your followers has a niche in mind when they follow you, it is your responsibility to align the Perspective in your writing to connect with their Worldview.

Lastly, I’ll leave a Dan Koe quote for inspiration.

Image of a Dan Koe’s Quote

Thanks for reading this one.

Would love to get feedback on this as it is a bit different from the usual.

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