avatarLukas Schwekendiek


The article emphasizes the importance of embracing discomfort and pushing oneself to grow and improve daily.


The article argues that improving oneself daily is a challenging but achievable goal. It highlights that habits with compound interest exist, but most people lack the resilience to apply them. The author emphasizes that life is shaped by choices and reactions to circumstances. To improve, one must do things differently and step out of their comfort zone. The author uses examples such as gym-goers, students, and professionals to illustrate this point. The article encourages readers to embrace uncomfortable situations, push themselves beyond their limits, and strive for growth in all areas of life.


  • The author believes that improving oneself daily requires resilience and the willingness to step out of one's comfort zone.
  • The author suggests that discomfort and pushing oneself beyond limits are necessary for growth.
  • The author encourages readers to embrace uncomfortable situations and strive for growth in all areas of life.
  • The author uses the quote from Muhammad Ali to emphasize the importance of pushing oneself beyond comfort to achieve growth.

Be Better Than Yesterday: Can You Truly Improve Yourself Daily?

Photo by Attentie Attentie on Unsplash

Improving yourself every day is tough, but something you can always do.

Habits that have compound interest do exist, it is just that most people do not have the resilience to apply them.

Your life is what it is because of the choices that you made.

Yes, life happened to you as well, but it is how you reacted that shaped where you went from there, and while you may not have been able to control everything, you could control a lot of your life.

Creating habits that make you become better every day, even if just by 1%, then require you to do things differently and therein lies the problem.

You cannot remain comfortable if you want to improve yourself every day.

Think about the people that hit the gym every day; are they comfortable?

What about the people on their way to become doctors, lawyers, or even those that go back to school or those that further their education otherwise; are they comfortable?

Where you comfortable when you learned, when you became stronger or when you grew as a person? Or was it the uncomfortable, difficult and less-than-ideal situations that made you the person you are today?

If you want to improve every day as a whole and become better you have to stay as uncomfortable as you can.

Get into uncomfortable situations, push yourself further than you like to, and move past where others would go.

“I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. When I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, because that’s when it really counts.” — Muhammad Ali

It’s that kind of an attitude that makes you grow as a person.

Being able to push yourself further each time, not just physically but in everything, and only counting it as a win when you are in discomfort, that is what makes you grow.

Join a theatre group if you are uncomfortable on stage, get a job as a sales person if you fear rejection or go up and talk to that person that is “way out of your league”.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Do this and apply yourself as much as you can to every area of your life.

For the more uncomfortable you can be now, the less uncomfortable you have to be in the future.

Self Improvement
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