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A Doberman named Barney struggles with his inability to help his beloved owner who is battling glioblastoma, and ultimately, he faces his own health crisis.


The narrative revolves around Barney, a Doberman living in a Florida home with a family dealing with the matriarch's terminal illness, glioblastoma. Despite his loyalty and intuitive understanding of his owner's condition, Barney is powerless to provide more than comfort. His keen senses detect the "bad smell" associated with his owner's illness, a scent he grows to hate. The story peaks with a family birthday celebration overshadowed by the mother's deteriorating health, leading to a medical emergency. After her passing, Barney continues to support the family, though he too falls ill three years later. The family, facing their own grief and Barney's suffering, makes the difficult decision to end his pain humanely. The tale concludes with a poignant farewell, suggesting a reunion between Barney and his owner in an afterlife.


  • The author conveys a deep empathy for Barney, portraying him as a sentient being capable of complex emotions such as worry, anger, and love.
  • There is a subtle critique of the limitations of human intervention in the face of terminal illness, mirrored in Barney's helplessness.
  • The story suggests that non-human animals, particularly dogs, possess a profound understanding of human emotions and can form deep emotional bonds.
  • The narrative implies a belief in an afterlife where humans and animals are reunited, offering comfort to those who have lost loved ones, human or animal.
  • The mention of the AI service at the end of the article seems slightly incongruent with the somber tone of the story, indicating a possible marketing intent.

Short Story

Barney Wished He Could Help, but There Was Nothing That He Could Do

Dogs understand more than we know

Photo by Jorge Rosales on Unsplash

The three-bedroom house sat on a quiet street in Florida. A family of five adults shared the house with two cats and a Doberman named Barney.

The house was quiet that evening Barney lay under the dining room table with his eyes open and his ears up. “ I wonder what’s about to happen?” Barney thought as the two men started talking.

It should have been a happy occasion

“ Get Larry up, I’ll see if I can get Sandy out of bed.” Barney stood up and stretched. The younger man nodded and got up from the sofa and headed to his nephew’s bedroom.

Barney followed dad to the bedroom where mom was moaning in her sleep. “ Come on Sandy, it’s time to get up, and happy birthday,” Dad whispered as he shook the sleeping woman.

Glioblastoma is the medical term for what mom had

Barney rested his head on the bed and whined, the bad smell filled his nostrils causing him to bare his teeth in a snarl. “ I hate the bad thing.” He thought as mom protested having to get out of bed.

Dad helped mom get out of bed. Barney whined as he followed the couple to the dining room. Mom’s brother had set the cake on the table.

Barney snorted when he saw Larry standing by the dining table. He ran to the man his stubby tail wagging. “ Hey Barney, how ya doing?”

They wanted to be happy again so badly

Barney whined and rubbed his body against Sandy’s oldest son. “ You’re a good dog Barney, have you been watching over mom?” Barney” woofed” an answer as dad helped mom sit in her chair at the dining table.

He sat on the floor as close to mom as he could. He worried about mom. The bad smell was heavy around her. Barney could see the evil thing growing.

He saw it in his mind’s eye, and he hated it

He visualized the tumor and what he saw scared and angered him. He loved his family, and he loved his mom the best. He felt helpless.

The youngest girl, the girl that brought Barney home when he was a puppy stood by, barney went to her. “ Hey Barney,” she said as he sat next to her.

The young girl patted his head and sobbed as she watched everyone try to have a good time. Barney sat and worried as everyone sang “ Happy Birthday to mom.

They laughed half-heartedly and ate the cake

Barney’s eyes never left the woman. No one noticed that the big dog wasn’t interested in any handouts. The forced laughter subsided.

Mom picked at her cake while everyone else ate theirs. When mom had enough, dad took her back to the bedroom and helped her get in bed.

They weren’t in their rooms for an hour when it happened

Barney followed them back to the bedroom and watched. when he was alone with his mom he went to the bed and rested his head on the mattress.

Sometime later, things quieted down. Everyone was in their rooms. Barney was on the floor in the entranceway of the house. He knew mom was in trouble. He was on his way to the bedroom when dad screamed.

It happened so fast

The whole family ran to the master bedroom Barney led the way. Mom was lying on the bathroom floor moaning in pain. Her brother and her husband were bending over trying to help her.

Barney let out a bark in anger and fear. The bad smell was thick in the bathroom. The son was standing behind him.

“Larry call 911”

mom’s brother, who had come to live with his sister’s family a few months earlier turned to look at Larry. “ Larry, call 911.” Barney didn’t know what happened next. The girl grabbed his collar and dragged him to her bedroom.

He growled in frustration and scratched at the door. When the girl opened the door, he followed her to the living room. She was heading out the door with the rest of the family. The sounds of the ambulance’s siren pierced the night.

It was the first time he was alone in the house in weeks

Barney whined as he ran through the quiet house. He went to the foyer and lay down in front of the door. He didn’t want to, but he dozed.

While Barney slept, mom came to see him one last time. He whined as she bent down and gently scratched behind his ear. She stroked his head and whispered, “ take care of our family, I’ll see you soon.”

Barney cried in his sleep until he heard the mini-van come down the street. He greeted the silent family as they walked into the house. He looked for mom, but he knew she wasn’t coming home.

Three years later:

Barney was lying on the carpet of dad’s new house. His gut ached and every nerve in his body was on fire, but that didn’t bother him. dad’s anger upset him.

Barney was sick. He ruined the carpet of dad’s new house. He knew dad was angry, but he didn’t understand that dad was more upset about what he knew he had to do.

He lay in pain on the floor as the three men discussed what they were going to do. He heard the sobs and he felt bad. He wanted to get up and comfort his guys, but he couldn’t do it.

A restless night for everyone

He couldn’t sleep that night. For the first time, he heard dad get the leash and he didn’t jump up and run to the door and wait. He didn’t get upset when his dad and his brother-in-law took him to the van.

Barney never liked the veterinarian’s office. For the first time, he didn’t fight or protest. The Vet didn’t have to place the muzzle over his mouth. Barney was too tired to fight.

He didn’t want to go, but he hurt so bad

Dad and his brother-in-law talked to him, they told him how much they loved him, and how he was a good dog. Barney yawned as the contents of the needle took effect. The pain subsided as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

He woke up in a room of white light. The pain was gone, and he felt like a puppy again. He looked around and barked, his stub of a tail twirling when he saw her walking toward him.

He ran to greet her, barking happily.

Short Story
Based On Fact
Doberman Pinscher
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